1 Cen Campbell As Squeal's Team Leader example essay topic

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SQUEAL PROJECT PLAN THE SQUEAL TEAM: Brooke Ballantyne Cen Campbell Andrea Freeman Reece Steinberg SQUEAL LIBR / ARST 570: Management of Libraries and Archives Executive Summary This Project Management Plan is the result of the time and energy spent by the members of SQUEAL (Students Quietly Undertaking to Encourage Apt Learning), who have embarked upon the task of learning about management in an information environment. The path we have chosen is outlined in this document. SQUEAL is devoted to learning how to "work effectively within a larger organization and to assume managerial responsibilities", and each of SQUEAL's members works to achieve this goal through internal, external and personal factors. The Project Management Plan is a guide which SQUEAL has created for itself in order to accomplish our common goals in a timely and thorough manner. The Plan includes an Introduction, Goals and Objectives, a list of Deliverables, the Resources which Squeal has at its disposal, Constraints, Strategy and Actions, our Budget, Controls, a description of our Documentation process, the Review and Appendices. - 1 -SQUEAL LIBR / ARST 570: Management of Libraries and Archives Table of Contents Executive Summary...

1 Table of Contents... 2 Introduction... 3 Team Characteristics... 4 Ground Rules... 5 Goals and Objectives... 6 Deliverables...

10 Resources... 12 Constraints... 14 Strategy and Actions... 17 Budget... 20 Controls... 21 Documentation...

22 Review... 23 Appendix A- Gantt Chart... Appendix B- Budget Time Sheet... Appendix C- Time Sheet... C- 2 -SQUEAL LIBR / ARST 570: Management of Libraries and Archives Introduction Students Quietly Undertaking to Encourage Apt Learning (SQUEAL) is a dynamic team comprised of members Brooke Ballantyne, Andrea Freeman, Reece Steinberg and group leader, Carolyn (Cen) Campbell.

SQUEAL was formed in January, 2005 in response to a Project Management assignment from Dr. Ken Haycock, professor of LIBR / ARST 570: Management of Libraries and Archives. SQUEAL's parent institution is the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies, a school of the Graduate Faculty of the University of British Columbia located in Vancouver, B.C., Canada. This project plan outlines the projected outcomes of SQUEAL's completed assignment, giving concrete evidence of team decisions, investigation, resource development and organizational structure. The plan defines the qualities of SQUEAL, its framework and its projected development. It describes the schedules and rules by which SQUEAL abides, a swell as the ideologies and reasons on which these are based. The project plan includes examples of documentation and programming which SQUEAL uses to organize, tabulate and present its information.

The project plan is a navigational tool, utilized internally to focus efforts on completing a high quality presentation on Pre-Appointment Human Resources Management, which will be used as an educational device externally. As well, members of SQUEAL will facilitate seminars on various relevant topics, encouraging team growth, and learning through teaching. The project plan also serves to document and clarify the process of the project; it reinforces the structure of project management and initiates its use in a concrete and immediate way. SQUEAL is committed to combining the structural techniques of Project Management with self-management methods in order to achieve high quality results while adhering to the allotted time budgets. SQUEAL aims to complete all assignments on time and with equal but differing levels of group member participation. It aims to create high quality material while following the ROTI (Return Of Time Invested) philosophy.

It aims to conduct team work in a way acceptable to all involved and to encourage the growth of each individual's team-working skills. - 3 -SQUEAL LIBR / ARST 570: Management of Libraries and Archives Team Characteristics Project Managers Excellent Project Managers have strengths in specific areas, in order to motivate, lead and evaluate team performance. Included in these skills is the ability to know when to lead and also when to follow, learn from or report on team dynamics. Different styles of team leaders approach these tasks in varying ways, all of which may be effective. Project Managers should have the following qualities: o Strong communication skill so Organizational competence o Confidence in leadership Project Managers should also: o Assist teams in solving their own problem so Display an ability to access needed resources, including people Act as a resource to their team Encourage teams to set performance goal so Evaluate and delegate task so Anticipate future problems Excellent Teams also have strengths. In order to make the team effective, each of its members has to bring their own strengths to the team, and respect the functions of the team as a whole.

Teams should have the following qualities: o Cohesion o Individual management skill so Ambition based in reality Sensitivity Respect for the decision-making processes o Solid planning skills and adherence to project plans Team Members should have the following qualities: o Awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses o Awareness of other team members's strengths and weaknesses o Motivational skill so Respect for all team member so Organizational abilities o Dedication and dependability- 4 -SQUEAL LIBR / ARST 570: Management of Libraries and Archives Ground Rules Team ground rules were created using consensus. The rules were developed with the intention of minimizing or preventing group discontent, misleading expectations and unspoken assumptions. In turn, the rules will result in a more structured, effective and efficient working plan, and provide written guidelines which can be used in the event of problems within the group. SQUEAL Team Ground Rules SQUEAL aims to schedule all meetings between regular business hours, from 9: 00 AM to 5: 00 PM, Pacific Time. o Team members arrive 5 minutes early to all team meetings. o Except in the case of emergency, 24 hours notice is required to cancel or reschedule a meeting. o SQUEAL works using a consensus model for decision-making. o Honesty and respect are of utmost importance for all SQUEAL team members. o Meetings are held in a meeting room of the Vancouver Public Library, Central Branch, unless they are directly after LIBR / ARST 570, in which case they will beheld on campus. o Meetings will be held for a maximum of 2 hours.

- 5 -SQUEAL LIBR / ARST 570: Management of Libraries and Archives Goals and Objectives Goal 1 SQUEAL members will work actively to improve and strengthen team mentality. Objective 1.1 To create an atmosphere where being in a team is entertaining and exciting. Tactic 1.1. 1 Creation of team logo that will represent a fun yet marketable image for our group. Tactic 1.1.

2 Creation of team uniforms emblazoned with our team logo and team name; we will find a reasonable source for t-shirts and iron-on logos, and all wear jeans as a base. Objective 1.2 To create an atmosphere where being in a team is productive and cooperative. Tactic 1.2. 1 Working actively as a team for the research and writing of our major presentation on 'Human Resources: Pre-Appointment'. Tactic 1.2.

2 Meeting regularly as a group to discuss challenges, plans and implementation. Tactic 1.2. 3 Always working by consensus, requiring each team member's input before a decision is made. Goal 2 SQUEAL members will strive to make every facet of this management assignment as professional as possible. Objective 2.1 To model our Project Plan as closely to a 'real world' management plan as possible. Tactic 2.1.

1 Creating a team name that is both professional and marketable. Tactic 2.1. 2 Creating a team logo that is both professional and marketable. Tactic 2.1. 3- 6 -SQUEAL LIBR / ARST 570: Management of Libraries and Archives While creating the final version of our Project Plan, use elements such as binding, font and formatting in an appropriately professional manner. Objective 2.2 To spend an appropriate amount of time on making our management assignment appear professional.

Tactic 2.2. 1 Spending our time and energy in direct relation to what % of our grade a task is worth (Project Management: 20% / Team Presentation: 20% /Portfolio and Team / Peer Assessment: 40%) Tactic 2.2. 2 Avoiding individual 'burnout' by encouraging a relaxed and openatmosphereGoal 3 SQUEAL will work collaboratively with all other management teams. Objective 3.1 To have an active relationship with the team leader group. Tactic 3.1. 1 Cen Campbell, as SQUEAL's team leader, will develop and maintain a meeting schedule with the other team leaders.

Objective 3.2 To share resources with other teams in an efficient and fair manner. Tactic 3.2. 1 Working to share management information, management tools, and advice on management software wherever needed. Tactic 3.2. 2 Working to share the sample Project Plans with other teams. Goal 4 SQUEAL members will work actively to develop their preparation and presentation skills.

Objective 4.1 To give each group member the opportunity to prepare for and make a presentation. Tactic 4.1. 1 Dividing up topics equally among group members depending on their current workload, so that each group member has the opportunity to present their research to the group at least once. - 7 -SQUEAL LIBR / ARST 570: Management of Libraries and Archives Tactic 4.1. 2 Giving each team member the opportunity to prepare a short written report on their seminar topic, so that each member has the benefit of improving their written communication skills. Tactic 4.1.

3 Allowing the entire team to work on research for the main presentation, and then running through the presentation within the group so that all members have an opportunity to give input on presentation skills and tactics. Objective 4.2 To use effective means in making our presentations. Tactic 4.2. 1 Using handouts and pre-assignment of readings for seminars, so that discussion is encouraged and facilitated. Tactic 4.2. 2 Using PowerPoint in our major presentation on 'Human Resources: Pre-Appointment' in order to make it more informative and stimulating for the audience.

Goal 5 SQUEAL members will each improve their disposition for leadership within each of their roles. Objective 5.1 To encourage each SQUEAL team member to self-manage while working under a group leader. Tactic 5.1. 1 Reece Steinberg will research issues in self-management, retrieving such resources as the book "Business Without Bosses" for the group to learn from. Tactic 5.1.

2 Cen Campbell, as SQUEAL's group leader, will research effective leadership styles and ask for direction and input from the other group members. Goal 6 SQUEAL members will increase their knowledge of management tasks and responsibilities. Objective 6.1- 8 -SQUEAL LIBR / ARST 570: Management of Libraries and Archives To increase the group's knowledge of Human Resources in the context of p reemployment. Tactic 6.1. 1 Cen Campbell will prepare a short seminar for the group on issues in HRp re-appointment, including resumes and interviews. Tactic 6.1.

2 SQUEAL will work as a team to compile research on HR pre-appointment for our large class presentation. Objective 6.2 To increase the group's knowledge of Planning in the context of mission, goals and evaluation. Tactic 6.2. 1 Andrea Freeman will prepare a short seminar for the group on issues in Planning as they relate to Mission, Goals and Evaluation, as well as Managing Conflict and Change. Objective 6.3 To increase the group's knowledge of Human Resources in the context of post-employment, as well as Organizational Culture. Tactic 6.3.

1 Reece Steinberg will prepare a short seminar for the group on issues in Human Resources as they relate to post-employment, as well as a short Seminar on Organizational Culture issues, including employee relations. Objective 6.4 To increase the group's knowledge of Financial Management as well as Marketing and Advocacy. Tactic 6.4. 1 Brooke Ballantyne will prepare a short seminar for the group on issues in Financial Management, as well as a short seminar on Marketing and Advocacy. - 9 -SQUEAL LIBR / ARST 570: Management of Libraries and ArchivesDeliverablesProject Management Plan Team SQUEAL has created a Project Management Plan that addresses the course goals, objectives, and assignments. As all of the objectives will not be covered in class, the team has planned for additional readings and presentations by each member to ensure that every objective is met.

The plan reflects the elements of effective project management, including defining the tasks, goals and objectives, deliverable's, resources, constraints, strategy and actions, budget, controls, documentation and review. The team will be using ACE Project to track the project plan. Due: January 24, 2005 Team Presentation on Human Resources: Pre-Appointment Team SQUEAL will prepare and present to management colleagues in LIBR 570 on the topic of Human Resources: Pre-Appointment. Due: March 7, 2005 Individual Seminars Each member of Team SQUEAL is responsible for researching, writing a report, and presenting on at least 1 seminar topic. The presentations will be further enhanced by assigned readings, which will allow the other members who are not presenting to better understand the seminar topic. These seminars will also allow team members to meet the general class objective of developing preparation and presentation skills of both oral and written reports.

Due: February 7, 2005 Andrea Freeman February 21, 2005 Andrea Freeman February 28, 2005 Reece SteinbergMarch 7, 2005 Cen Campbell March 14, 2005 Reece SteinbergMarch 21, 2005 Brooke Ballantyne April 4, 2005 Brooke BallantynePortfolioEach team member, excluding the team leader, will produce a professional portfolio demonstrating how he or she has met the outlined course goals and objectives. Due: April 6, 2005- 10 -SQUEAL LIBR / ARST 570: Management of Libraries and Archives Team Performance Assessment The team leader will prepare a detailed assessment of the implementation of the project plan and individual performance. Due: April 6, 2005 Peer Assessment Team SQUEAL will also complete a separate peer assessment for members of the team. Due: April 6, 2005- 11 -SQUEAL LIBR / ARST 570: Management of Libraries and ArchivesResourcesTeam Members: Each of SQUEAL's dynamic members brings a unique skill set to the team.

The team member and their respective talents and experience are listed below. Cen Campbell: Group Leader organize do takes initiative o writing and editing skills Cen Campbell has a Bachelor's degree with distinction from The University of Victoria. She majored in Linguistics and minored in English, which reflects her strength in languages and editing. Cen has worked and volunteered in South Korea, England and Canada, and is working on her leadership and technical skills at the Society for Children and Youth. Cen's organizational and editing skills are an asset to the team.

Brooke Ballantyne: Secretary strong communication skill so willingness to acquire new skill so motivating Brooke Ballantyne has an Honours degree from The University of British Columbia. Her major was English Literature, which is very evident in her strong writing skills. Brooke has volunteered with the Canadian Diabetes Association, where she was in charge of coordinating hundreds of other volunteers. Brooke is a very motivating influence, and provides regular morale boosts to the group, along with her regular contributions as Secretary and Time Sheet Mistress. Andrea Freeman: Software / Technical Guru technically savvy o international perspective o mediator Andrea Freeman has a Bachelor of Arts from The College of St. Benedict's / St. John " university in Minnesota. She majored in French studies and minored in Gender and Women's studies, and through her fluent French and American passport, Andrea serves as a cross-cultural voice which helps to mediate group discussions.

She was the President of the French Club at her University for two years, and organized and taught French classes for American elementary school students. She also brings her knowledge of software and computers to the group. - 12 -SQUEAL LIBR / ARST 570: Management of Libraries and Archives Reece Steinberg: Design and Research creative o male perspective o leadership experience Reece Steinberg has a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Alberta. He majored in Art Design and minored in Women's Studies, which thoroughly prepares him to beSQUEAL's design guy. Reece is very politically active, and has held leadership positions for various causes like Food not Bombs, Anti-Capitalist Edmonton, and the Anarchist Book Fair. Reece is participating in the Co-op program, which provides him with valuable pre-employment information.

Administrative ResourcesAceProject management software Cen's Laptop The Internet Microsoft PowerPoint Microsoft Word Open office Other Resources Previous assignments Public and academic libraries Class notes- "Project Management" PowerPoint presentation Instructor- Ken Haycock Co-op manual