1 Introduce The Case Study example essay topic

328 words
. 1. Introduction: 1) Define the issue 2) Identify the different points of view which are related to this issue, indicating the existence of a dilemma 3) State your thesis (position) concerning the issue and it's relationship to the points of view. Determine which point of view is most closely related to your thesis. 11. Body: 1) Introduce the case study used to define your position.

2) Describe the case study using specific, factual detail, reflecting your knowlege of social studies content. 3) Discuss the desirability and feasibility of the case study. 111. Conclusion: 1) Restate your thesis and defend it by refuting opposing views based on values and specific factual data. 2) Make generalizations beyond stating your position. I also have no essays stuffed up my ass at the moment because I throw them away... why is there a need to keep a paper that you " re never going to use again in your lifetime.

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