1 Lady Macbeth example essay topic

1,178 words
Act One 1.) Macbeth's reaction to the witches prophecy is one of surprise, and interest. He also wants to be told more, and know how the witches know these things. Banquo however, is more cautious, and not sure. Banquo also questions if the witches were even real; he is much more sceptical.

2.) Macbeth finds out in scene 4 that Malcolm, not him is chosen by the King to be his successor, this makes Macbeth decide that "chance" will not make him King, and to be King, he must do something about it. 3.) Lady Macbeth's reaction to the letter is one of joy for Macbeth, and fear that Macbeth is too good a person to seize the opportunity and kill the King. .".. I fear thy nature, It is too full o' th' milk of human kindness To catch the nearest way". (p 29) Lady Macbeth also "speaks" with "demons" to give her the courage and fill her with evil to allow her to carry out the murder of the King. .".. fill me from the crown to the toe top-full Of direst cruelty... ". (p 30) 4.) This speech tells us that Macbeth does not wholly want to proceed with the murder of the King, and that the very idea scares Macbeth, and seems impossible to commit. .".. Doth unfix my hair... murder yet is but fantastical... ". (p 19) Act Two 1.) At first Macbeth sees a dagger floating, leading him to Duncan's room, which existence he questions.

After having murdered Duncan, Macbeth is jumpy and nervous, he imagines he hears things when they are owls. He also is afraid that he is damned to go to hell when he cannot say 'amen'. He is afraid he will not be able to sleep in peace. 2.) At the end of scene two, Macbeth does show remorse that he has killed the King.

When he hears the knocking at the south entry, he says; "Wake Duncan with thy knocking. I would thou couldst". (p 59) 3.) Malcolm and Donal bain leave Scotland because they suspect whoever killed their father, will be targeting them next. 4.) The strange occurrences that have taken place on the night of the murder are; it is dark when the sun should have come up, a falcon was killed by an owl and Duncan's horses turning wild and turning on the humans and then eating each other. Act Three 1.) Banquo's attitude at the beginning to Macbeth having become King, is one of suspicion. He suspects Macbeth had something to do with it. ."..

Thou play " dst most foully for't... ". (p 85) 2.) Macbeth says he has to kill Banquo to stop his line from ascending to the throne. He also thinks that he killed the "gracious" Duncan for mostly Banquo's benefit (according to the witches), as it will be his descendants that will become King. Macbeth is bitter no kin of his will succeed. Apart from those reasons, Macbeth knows how honourably Banquo will act, and knowing that Banquo will go against Macbeth, Macbeth begins to fear Banquo as an enemy, and respect him as such due to his personal qualities.

.".. Our fears in Banquo Stick deep, and in his royalty of nature Reigns that which would be feared. "Tis much he dares... He hath a wisdom that doth guide his valour...

There is none but he Whose being I do fear... ". (p 87) Macbeth thinks he is less then Banquo, and therefor he must be taken care of. .".. under him [Banquo] My genius is rebuked... ". (p 88) 3.) The bones of the ghost are marrow less, the ghost's blood is cold, and without speculation in his eyes. 4.) The tone of Lennox's opening speech in Scene 6, is one of heavy irony, he questions all of Macbeth's actions after each of the recent murders, and events. He implies that something is not right, and Macbeth is almost certain to be the culprit. Act Four 1.) The apparitions prophecies are that Macbeth must beware of Macduff. The second prophecy is that Macbeth will not be harmed by one of women born. The third prophecy is that Macbeth will not be vanquished until Great Bir nam Wood moves to high Dunsinane hill.

His reaction to the first prophecy just to thank the apparition; .".. good caution thanks... ". When he learns of the second prophecy, he questions whether or not he needs to fear Macduff, and he decides to be doubly cautious and kill him anyway; "Then live Macduff, what need I fear of thee? But yet I'll make assurance double sure, And take a bond of fate. Thou shalt not live... ".

The third prophecy gives Macbeth the idea he will never be defeated, as he laughs at the idea that the forest will uproot itself and move. "Who can impress the forest, bid the tree Unfix his earth-bound root? Sweet bode ments, good!" 2.) Macbeth kills Macduff's family, as he wants revenge because Macduff has fled to England and gone against him. 3.) Malcolm says he has lied to Macduff about himself to test his loyalty. Malcolm says he has no kingly qualities and would be a terrible King.

Macduff replies by saying that as long as Macbeth is not on the throne, and the rightful person is, he will be happy. 4.) This is heavens way, unfortunately they cut short my life with my family, when I meet Macbeth on the battlefield I will kill him. If he kills me, let him be and forgive him. 1.) Lady Macbeth is reported to have given away details off murders that she and Macbeth have committed, or have been behind. She also has an obsession that she washes her hands, and wants to be "clean" of the killing. 2.) Macbeth is wrongly critical of the doctor, as he doesn't believe that Lady Macbeth is not treatable.

The doctor however says that there is no way to fix it. "Throw physic to the dogs, I'll none of it". 3.) The meaning of Scene 5 19-28 is Macbeth's thoughts on the world, a Shakespearian type theory of 'the world is a stage'. Macbeth says, "Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player, That struts and frets his hour on stage, And then is heard no more". He basically starts to think in retrospect on how insignificant he is. 4.) The final trick played on Macbeth by the witches is the prophecy that Macbeth will not be harmed of women born.

When he fights Macduff he learns that Macduff was born of Caesarean section, and therefor 'not of women born'. .".. Macduff was from his mother's womb Untimely ripped.".