14 Management Principles example essay topic

393 words
F W Taylor was born in 1856 and died in 1917 at the age of sixty one. Taylor was a key writer of the classical school of management structure and was an engineer at a steele works company believing in improving structure to improve efficiency. The purpose of this was to bring about maximum prosperity for the employer and the employee. Taylor believed that knowing objectives allows responsibilities to be allocated within the company creating the most effective structure. He also believed in specialisation, where work is divided between workers to be an important aspect of management structure. Taylor had four underlying principles: - 1) Science of work 2) Scientific selection and progressive development of the worker.

3) Bringing workers and science of work together. 4) Constant co-operation of the worker with management. According to Taylor, administrative management emphasises functions of management. That all activities can be divided into groups either simple or complex, for example, technical activities, commercial activities, financial activities, security activities and accountancy activities. Taylor believed there to be five functions of management, to plan, to organise, to control, to command and to co-ordinate. Planning will lead to a more satisfied workforce who are aware of their individual tasks.

Organisation allows the workforce to be assigned tasks, therefore, creating a more relaxed atmosphere. Control allows the manager to lay down the rules. Commanding allows the manager to take charge of the workforce whilst remaining diplomatic. To co- ordinate is to organise the workforce in a way that is effective for the business. Taylor created 14 management principles which are as follows: 1) Division of work 2) Authority and Responsibility 3) Discipline 4) Unity of command 5) Unity of direction 6) Subordination of interests and general interests 7) Ren numeration of personnel 8) Centralisation 9) Scaler Chain 10) Order 11) Equity 12) Stability of structure of personnel 13) Initiative 14) E spirit de Corps (Union is strength) In conclusion to this essay, it has become apparent that Taylor ism does make a considerable contribution to modern day organisation in his suggestion of suitable and effective forms of management which are obviously still put to use in todays successful businesses as his methods were one of the first used in management and are still in operation.