1941 3 The Assembly Line Ford example essay topic

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INTRODUCTION When you think about Ford, an automobile will usually come to mind. Most people don't think about the man behind that name, Henry Ford. Henry Ford was the man responsible for the Ford Motor Company (FMC). He was also the creator of the invention that changed the mass production industry, the assembly line. As you read on you will learn about Henry Ford's life, the FMC, and the assembly line. FORD'S LIFE In Wayne County, Michigan on July 30, 1863, a pair of Irish immigrants, William and Mary Ford, gave birth to a boy who they named Henry.

They owned a farm in Dearborn, Michigan where Henry helped his parents and attended a one-room schoolhouse. Searching for a different style of living, Ford walked to Detroit in search of a job. He found one at age 16, as an apprentice machinist, where he learned about the internal combustion engine. He eventually became the chief engineer for the Edison Illuminating Company in Detroit. With his knowledge of engines, Ford went back to his hometown and worked part time for the Westinghouse Engine Company. In 1888 he married the daughter of a neighboring farmer, Clara Bryant.

She supported and helped Henry with his early experiments on engines. Most of Ford's first engines were tested in their kitchen where Mrs. Ford checked the engines oil supply. Although steam engines were used most often, Ford was getting interested in the gasoline internal combustion engine. 2 In 1896, Ford drove out of his garage in 2-cylinder engine powered vehicle. The automobile didn't look like much with a carriage body and a lever for steering. This car was what got Ford started on the way toward the automotive industry.

1 Ford only had one son, who was president for the Ford Company from 1819 to 1943 when Edsel, died. Henry had to take over presidency for two years until he gave his position to his grandson, Henry Ford the II. After living for 83 years Henry Ford passed away on April 7, 1947, at his home in Dearborn, Michigan. 3 FORD MOTOR COMPANY In 1903 the Ford Motor Company was incorporated after two unsuccessful attempts. Henry Ford was the vice-president and the chief engineer. The company started out only making a few cars a day at the Ford factory, with two or three men working on a car at a time and having to use parts made to order from other companies.

2 Ford's dream was to produce a moderate priced, reliable, and efficient automobile, which came with the Model T in 1908.3 A company that started out small, now had over half of the car owners in America driving the Model T. 1 It was easy to operate and maintain, it also handled good on rough roads. It was the most popular automobile in history, and over fifteen million were sold. With the Model T, Ford achieved his goal to make reasonable priced cars for the average person. 2 The reason he could make cars for decent prices was that the FMC owned its own steel mill and iron mine, and could make its own parts. Other companies had to buy their parts from manufactures. The FMC also obtained their own railroads and shipping lines to transport the materials.

With all this and Ford's invention of the assembly line, the FMC was well on the way to being the major corporation it is today. 1 After introducing the assembly line, Ford instituted the $5.00 a day minimum wage. In 1917, the stockholders were suing Ford because they disliked his business ethics. The courts ruled in favor of the stockholders but by 1920, Ford was able to buy the stockholders out.

With making all its own parts and owning all its stocks, the FMC had almost become completely self-sufficient. 3 In the mid 1920's, sales were being taken over by General Motors due to the outdated Model T. Having the plants shut down for five months, Ford came out with the Model A and later on the V-8.2 They both had respectable success but were still being outsold by General Motors and now from Chrysler. The General Motors Company and Chrysler signed contracts with the United Automobile Workers, but Ford refused to sign until he was persuaded to in 1941.3 THE ASSEMBLY LINE Ford introduced the assembly line to the FMC in 1913. The way it worked was it sent the car on a conveyor belt to each station where workers could stay in one place and put the same piece on each car as the cars went by. The assembly line had to be timed to make sure the line moved smoothly and efficiently. With the assembly line allowing the company to make more cars in a lesser amount of time, it let the company cheapen the price of their cars.

2 With the assembly line in use, the production of Model T's made the FMC the largest automotive manufacturer in the world. 1 While still in use with the automotive industries, the assembly line is being used for almost everything in the manufacturing industry. Although some things have been changed, the same concept is still in use that Ford started out with in 1913.2 CONCLUSION Henry Ford was part of the making of one of the biggest and most popular automotive companies in history, the FMC. He invented the assembly line, which revolutionized the manufacturing industry. Ford did a lot in his lifetime and the Ford Motor Company is still around to show for his work. They are one of the oldest automotive manufacturers in the world.