2 General Moshe Dayan example essay topic

806 words
"Moshe Dayan was an Israeli military warrior who became a crusader for peace. He was skilled in both battle and diplomacy. He played a key role in four wars, but also helped negotiate the historic Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty."Moshe Dayan was a Soldier and statesman who led Israel to dramatic victories over its Arab neighbours and became a symbol of security to his countrymen". Moshe Dayan was born in a kibbutz, in a town called Deg anya Alef (Alef is the name for the letter A in Hebrew) in Palestine, then still part of the Ottoman Empire May 20th, 1915. His parents were Shmuel and Deborah, and he was the first child born in the newly-established community. When he was only 14 he joined the Haganah.

(The Haganah (In Hebrew: 'Defense') was a Zionist military organization in Palestine). He was very influenced by military techniques and teachings officer Orde Wingate gave Moshe. Afterwards he went to Bulgaria where he graduated from the military academy. This is a picture of Moshe's Birthplace.

He was once arrested by the British, (when the Haganah was declared illegal), but released after two years when the British cooperated with them during World War II. While he was serving on the Australian 7th Infantry Division, Dayan lost his left eye and began wearing the eye patch that became his trademark, and later Dayan received the "Distinguished Service Order", one of the highest military honors. During the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, Dayan occupied various positions of importance, first as the commander of many military units on the central front. Later he was he became the prime minister's prot " eg'e, together with Shimon Peres (the future Prime Minister). After the 1948 war, Dayan's ranking rose very fast. From 1955 to 1958 he was the Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defense Force, where he commanded the Israeli forces during the "Suez Crisis".

In 1959, Dayan joined MAPA I, the leftist party in Israeli politics. Until 1964 he served as the minister of agriculture in Israel, and in 1967, Esh kol (current prime minister) decided to give him the position of Minister of Defense". 2 General Moshe Dayan (center), Chief of Staff General Yitzchak Rabin (right) and General Uzi Nar kiss (left), enter Old Jerusalem in 1967 Dayan was still the secretary of defense when the "Yom Kippur War" catastrophically began on October 6, 1973. He was in charge for military planning, and at first didn't opt for a mobilization of the army, he said that he didn't want Israel to appear as the aggressor, and that Israel could win the war even after an Arab attack. His predictions were wrong, Israel was losing the war, and Dayan was about to announce the use of weapons of mass destruction, but he was prohibited to talk about that. A few days passed and he slowly controlled the army and was able to win the war.

After the war, many people wanted his resignation, something that made Dayan deeply depressed. He left the leftist party, and joined the rightist party called "Likud". In 1977, he became Foreign Minister in the government led by Menachem (Hebrew for Manuel) Begin. Dayan withdrew from the Camp David treaty in 1980 because of his disagreement with Menachem Begin over whether the Palestinian territories were an Israeli internal matter, because Dayan wasn't included in these negotiations. In 1981, Dayan formed a new party, T elem, which supported the separation from the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Dayan died shortly in Tel Aviv, from colon cancer.

He is now buried in Na halal in the mosh av (a collective village) where he was raised. "Our American friends offer us money, arms, and advice. We take the money, we take the arms, and we decline the advice"There is no more Palestine. Finished...

". 3 Ariel Sharon wrote about Dayan: He would wake up with a hundred ideas. Of them ninety-five were dangerous; three more were bad; the remaining two, however, were brilliant. Moshe Dayan was an intelligent, optimistic, creative, witty and opportunistic person. He understood things most people didn't, and used them to help his country. Other people see him as a terrorist, and they might be right, because the definition of terrorism says: "The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons".

In essence that's what he did, he killed people and used armies against other countries to gain property, but in difference from other terrorists, he won.