2002 Leonardo Da Vinci Da Vinci example essay topic

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Kim 1 Paul KimArtDr. RohrsApril 8, 2002 Leonardo da Vinci Da Vinci was born April 15, 1452, and died May 2, 1519. He would wear pink to make his complexion look fresher. Leonardo never attended public school.

He was raised by his single father (web). In the mid-1460's the family settled in Florence, where Leonardo was given the best education that Florence, the intellectual and artistic center of Italy, could offer. In Verrocchio's Baptism of Christ (web). Leonardo had no interest in women; he spent most of his time painting. Five years later he became a member of the guild of St. Luke, a painters' guild in Florence. Four years later he worked as an independent artist at his own studio in Florence (web).

In 1483 he started to paint the first version of the Virgin. He finished it in 1485. In 1495 he made a clay model for the statue of Francesco Forza, and put it on display. In 1486 he began to explore human flight. In 1500 he went to Mantua. Da Vinci studied philosophy, natural history, anatomy, biology, medicine, optics, acoustics, science, mathematics and hydraulics (web).

Da Vinci was an architect, musician, engineer, scientist and inventor. He sketched Kim 2 the first parachute, first helicopter, first aeroplane, first tank, first repeating rifle, swinging bridge, paddle boat and first motorcar. Da Vinci designed machines of war as well. He was one of the first artists to sketch outdoor portraits. Da Vinci was a sculptor and designer of costumes. He was also a mathematician and a botanist (web).

When he was twenty-one he painted the Annunication. In 1481 da Vinci painted The Adoration of the Magi. In 1475 da Vinci painted an angel in Verrocchio's Baptism of Christ. One of Leonardo's greatest pieces of art was the Mona Lisa, (1404) which was famous for her mysterious smile when piano music played. The Mona Lisa took Leonardo six years to complete. After he was done the painting the King of France bought it.

Leonardo did not want to part with the portrait, so the King of France let him keep it in his studio until he died (web). From 1495 to 1497 Leonardo labored on his masterpiece, The Last Supper, a mural in the refectory of the Monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan. During his long stay in Milan, Leonardo also produced other paintings and drawings (most of which have been lost), theater designs, architectural drawings, and models for the dome of Milan Cathedral. In December 1499, however, the Sforza family was driven from Milan by French forces; Leonardo left the statue unfinished and he returned to Florence in 1500 (web). It has become the most famous painting in the world.

Leonardo was also very proud of his Self Portrait, which he painted it in 1515, four years before he died Kim 3 (web). Da Vinci drew the first relaxed portraits with misty landscapes in the background. He used warm and passionate colors to create the misty look on the landscapes. Da Vinci had a different way of painting with mixing colors. Da Vinci did not put eyebrows on his painting (web). Da Vinci changed the way people painted and made sculptures.

Da Vinci was famous for the way he used light in his portraits. It seemed as if you could see into the soul of the paintings (web). As a scientist Leonardo towered above all his contemporaries. His scientific theories, like his artistic innovations, were based on careful observation and precise documentation. Leonardo actually anticipated many discoveries of modern times (web). Kim 4 Work Cited Biography of Leonardo da Vinci.

3 Apr. 2002 web Vinci. 3 Apr. 2002 web da Vinci Paul Kim Dr. Roars Introduction to Art 8 April 2002.