Abortions In Texas example essay topic

652 words
For a long time the United States has been split by a very important issue among women today. Should they or should they not be able to have an abortion. There are two sides to this issue. The first fight is whether or not the egg meeting the sperm counts as life forms. Many pro life people and pro-choice people feel that this is an organism and they feel that law to be able to live should protect these organisms.

On the other side to this issue, people feel that it's not a living organism yet and you should be allowed to destroy it. These people argue that although the unborn are part of the species homo sapiens, and in that senses are human, they are not truly persons since they fail to fulfill a particular set of personhood criteria. The pro-life and pro-choice people feel that it should be a law saying that you can t have an abortion but in previous court cases the Supreme Court found it to be ok to have an abortion. There are some solutions to both sides of these opinions. If you are against abortion, kids could wind up in a terrible position. There are a lot more kids having sex now then there were so the chances of getting pregnant are better.

Even though you might say its there own fault for not being careful they are thinking straight when they do this. Just because they make the wrong decision doesn t mean that having to possibly dropping out of school just to have a kid should punish them. Another solution to not having abortions is bringing a baby into the world where that family doesn t want them. If for some reason you cannot find a good family to give your child too what could happen.

They could not have a family. If you do have abortions then there are other solutions that could happen. First of all they person having the abortion could have problems during the procedure or even after the procedure with themselves. You also still have to thing about it.

You are taking away life from a soon to be child. That could be looked at as murder so it should be up to the person what they want to do. Roe vs. Wade was one of the top abortion cases that went to the Supreme Court. This was about a woman who wanted to have an abortion in Texas but couldn t because there was a law that said women couldn t have abortions in Texas unless it was life threatening. However they were allowed to have abortions in any other state.

She didn t have enough money to go anywhere else but Texas so she fought it with the Supreme Court. This law was found unconstitutional. They finally changed the law in Texas to allow women privacy to make their own decisions. I feel that women should have the decision for her whether or not she should have an abortion. I feel though that if there is nothing wrong with her that she is capable of having the baby she should give the people up for adoption. If it is a kid who is the one having the baby then they should have an abortion.

Even though it's the woman's body that we are dealing with the father should have a say in whether to get an abortion or not. It's not right that the woman could decide for herself. This topic is a topic that people will be able to debate forever. There is no right or wrong. People should follow there own beliefs not try to persuade others to their beliefs.