Add Students example essay topic
Attention deficit disorder: A review of the past 10 years.? It was written by Dennis P. Cantwell, in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, August 1996 vs. 35 n 8 p 978 (10 pp). Cantwell indicated that ADD is one of the most important disorders that child and adolescent psychiatrists have been treating. It is important because it is quite? prevalent? and makes up to?
50%? of the clinic's clients. I find it disturbing that ADD interferes with an individual's life and development. Cantwell informs us that the studies in the elementary school, grades 1 to 5, have shown about 3% to 5% of school age children affected with ADD, and this figure does not include students in preschool, adolescent nor the adult population. Cantwell also indicates that the samples in the study had more males, ?
9 to 1, in the clinical sample? , which as I pointed up earlier may be due to the fact that boys are more aggressive and have more noticeable? impulsive? behavior than girls and thus more cases are reported on boys than girls. What is really scary is that the many years that studies have been made on the topic of ADD no one has found out what causes it. However, according to Cantwell's article he points out that it is known that it is not caused by? brain damage? but that related problems do run in the family. This has caused some people to feel that genetics may play a part in the disorder. One good thing that I have found in the readings which is positive, is that there is treatment that can correct ADD. I learned that the treatment that can correct ADD is a combination of psychotherapy and medication.
One form of medication is that is popular is Ritalin. Ritalin when properly administered and regulated has proven to be effective. According to the literature Ritalin affects behavior by activating the attention center of the brain stem. It calms children and allows them to be able to focus on particular tasks and complete them.
Both teachers whom I spoke with agreed that when the ADD students took their medication they were more attentive and did focus more on their tasks. There are side effects that do affect those who use Ritalin. These include nausea, headaches and insomnia however the medication has to be closely monitored by the physician and family members because Ritalin in large doses can lead to dependence. The core symptoms deal with being inattentive, hyperactivity, some younger children have temper tantrums, argumentative and aggressive behavior such as hitting others and taking other people's property. Adolescents in middle school or high school are more noncompliant and are more negative in their mannerisms. Their? inattention and cognitive problems? may lead them to have poor organization, poor follow up on tasks and taking part in risky types of behaviors such as taking drugs, alcohol, and beginning to smoke.
The adults with ADD problems tend to have poor concentration are disorganized, do not finish their projects, and tend to procrastinate. I have discovered in my readings of ADD that many who are affected by it have difficulty with communication skills and with concentrating, they are easily distracted. Thus, as educators working with these groups requires that one be structured and have them work in areas where there is the least amount of distraction, something which in our classrooms and in society is difficult to do. Cantwell in his article describes that there must be a? multiple-modality approach that combines psychosocial interventions and medical interventions? the psychosocial intervention should focus with the family and any one that is working with the individual with ADD, such as the school teacher and staff members as well.
I agree that everyone should be educated about what is happening and see to it that the medication is taken on time as prescribed. Discussed in the article, and I agree, is the process that is needed to assess students who may have ADD. In the assessment process there is a great deal of rating scale information that needs to be gathered from parents, teachers, and any other individuals that work with the student. In addition specialized tests, performance tasks, comprehensive interviews with parent and child as well, medical reports and many other diagnostic measure are used to determine if an individual has ADD. I am happy to see that there is not only one or two tests that determines if an individual has ADD. I am also happy to see that there is a great deal of parental management training that helps reduce the child's behavior in the home and also helps the parents deal with the many stresses that they may have with their children.
In my interview with the MIS I teacher I observed that although academic performance was important there was a great deal of effort in classroom behavior and group relationships which I feel is extremely important in group and social relationships. The class environment for those who are in these classes need to be as structured as possible and this is true of those who suffer from ADD. In addition I now realize from the readings that ADD students need to be close to the teacher where they will be less distracted and more able to focus on their tasks. I believe that in classes where there are ADD students that two certified teachers would be better able to work with the students and would become more personally involved with the students on an individual basis thus, channeling their talents and personal skills in a positive and productive manner which they can use throughout their lives.
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