Adolf Hitler example essay topic

973 words
Adolf Hitler was born in 1889 in a small town called Braunau, Austria by a loving mother named Klara Poelzl Hitler, and an abusive and alcoholic father named Alois Hitler. After becoming chancellor of Germany in 1933, he would lead one of the most barbaric and inhumane regimes in history. The purpose of this paper is to discuss how isolationism and solidarity played a role in the life of this evil leader, both on a personal and political level. Although Adolf's mother was loving, she lived in constant fear of Alois because he often beat her and the children. Adolf's step brother, Alois jr., was abused so much that he ran away at the age of fourteen.

Alois jr. was replaced by Adolf to be used as a human punching bag. His mother could only stand by and watch and then try to comfort her only son. Adolf had a younger sister named Paula who was born in 1896, she never really was beaten and never had to live with her father for very long because her father died when she was six years old, and Adolf was thirteen years old. Although Adolf cried when he saw his father's body, he never spoke highly of him after his death. Even through the abuse he suffered, He was still an excellent student through primary school. He was a very hard worker and got good grades through Benedictine Monastery School.

After primary school Adolf decided that he wanted to become an artist. However he was forced by his father to go to a technical school rather than an art school. At the technical school he did poorly and was a difficult student according to his teachers. They described him as being violent, argumentive, and bad tempered. Adolf had one teacher that inspired him, their name was Dr. Poetsch. Dr. Poetsch was an anti-Semitic and a fanatical Pan-German nationalist.

It was Dr. Poetsch, said Adolf, who inspired him to become a revolutionary. Adolf isolated himself society; he had only one childhood friend, Gust l. Adolf also isolated himself from his family when his mother died in 1907, and then he moved to Vienna because his family was putting pressure on him to get a job, In Vienna he lived by selling his paintings and drawings. While his time in Vienna he had no relations with anyone accept for his business meetings.

His temper is first shown in public when he is trying to sell his art work and it is rejected. He then left Vienna to go to Germany because, he said, "Austria is infested with Jews, Hungarians, and other Slavic groups. Which does not suit my taste". In 1914, he joined the army. By accounts he was a very good soldier and received numerous awards for his outstanding bravery. The army was the first home he had known since his mother had died.

He had felt solidarity in this new home; but he continued to isolate himself from his comrades. Although he had the respect of his fellow soldiers, they stated: "He lived in his own world". They regarded to him as an: "Oddball with strange ideas". In 1919 Hitler joined the German Workers Party, which became the National Socialist German Workers party, NAZI for short.

In the 1930's Germany was a republic and Hitler was announced chancellor. Three months later, the Nazis passed a legislation that gave Hitler absolute power to make all of the decisions for the country. This changed Germany's government to a dictatorship. The Nazis began Gleichschalging, which means coordination of German society. Their goal was to control all aspects of German life. Anyone in the government who disagreed with the Nazis were removed from office and replaced by loyal party members.

Hatred of the Jews was a major part of the Nazi vision. In 1933, they passed a law depriving Jews of most of their rights. Violence against Jews followed which began the process of eliminating Jews from German society. He ordered for the Jews to be herded into small cities in Poland, and then sealed off from everything so that the Jews were isolated from the world. Nazis, under Hitler's leadership would attempt to create an Aryan Nation, with blue eyed and blonde hair people or Germans who were not Jewish, Gypsies, Slavs, or black.

Since politically, Isolationism was playing a part in other countries, which was the position that political ties should be avoided with other countries, Germany was able to carry out the aggression against not only the Jews of Germany but other countries as well. It was in this time that Germany battled in World War II and the Holocaust occurred. Hitler's "Final Solution" was mass genocide of the Jews. The Nazis built extermination camps equipped with gas chambers for the murders to occur. A total of six million Jews died in the hands of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis Finally in 1945, the Allied troops of the United Sates of America and Europe rolled into Germany.

While the troops advanced on the Nazis, Hitler isolated himself and his wife in an underground bunker and that is where he committed suicide. There are clear examples of isolationism and solidarity in the life of Adolf Hitler. The isolationism began with an abusive parent, and proceeded to isolate a society. It ended in the isolation of Hitler's death. Solidarity is represented by the love between Hitler and his mother, his feelings while in the German army, and the way he created the high loyalty of his followers.