Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler example essay topic

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Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler was born to Alois and Klara Hitler in 1990 in Braunau, Austria. His parents couldn't legally be married, because his mother was his father's first cousin's daughter. But they got permission from the Christian church in Rome, and were only an exception because Klara was already pregnant. When he was eight, the family moved to Vienna, which would be a city to hold quite an impact on Hitler's ambitions. When Adolf was 12, his father had died.

His father was the only person that wouldn't let his grades slip, so two years later he dropped out of school. Then Hitler's luck worsened, and two short years after, his mother passed away. Once his mother was gone, Adolf was completely alone. In 1913, he moved to Munich looking for a place to be employed.

But he did not leave Vienna with nothing. As he left, he kept two things in mind that were valued there: Anti-Semitism and the idea of German supremacy. Adolf had always been into the arts, when he was in Munich, he'd go to operas when he didn't even have food. He was a very good sketch artist of buildings and architects, but he could not draw people very well. Art was one of the two classes, P.E. being the other, that he excelled in.

As he entered the political world, he would continue his interests in the arts. World War One hit on August 14, 1914. A few months later, he had joined up with the German army in the 16th Battalion. He became so dedicated to his battalion, that when people asked where he lived, he simply said, "The Sixteenth Battalion". The reason why he had joined to fight for his country is because he wanted to purify the world. In his eyes, anybody who wasn't German wasn't part of the "Master Race", which fell under Hitler's idea of German Supremacy.

Aryan was what the "Master Race" was deemed, which was a German with blonde hair and blue eyes. The irony of it is that he himself had brown hair and brown eyes, which he considered "not pure". If you were not pure, you were to be cleansed, taken care of. If you were not with Adolf and his belief, you deserved to die. In 1916, he was shot and sent back to Germany. Then he soon returned healthy as ever.

When 1918 came, Germany began loosing the war. A few months later, Adolf was blinded because he was too close to a Gas Shell, which blinded him. When he could finally return, the war ended two days later. He came out of WWI as a driven veteran, who truly loved his country. A year later, Hitler went into politics. He became a member of the German Workers Party, which was soon later named the National Socialist German Workers Party.

Also known as NSAP, or Nazis for short. When he was in the German Workers Party, he gave such insightful speeches, that soon after joining he became the leader of the Nazi party. Adolf was destined to get power, and he found it easiest to preach to the people when times were down. After the war ended, Germany was in debt 33 billion dollars in reparations, and their mark was at 1/40,000 of a cent. I suppose you could say Germany was bankrupt.

At the same time, there was another man just like Hitler. He was named Benito Mussolini, and he had threatened the Italian government with his soldiers he called "Black shirts". So, the government willingly gave up power. He had gained control of Italy without receiving one single vote. That is what Hitler had wanted to do as well. Little did Hitler know that Benito's leadership had ended in a not-so-pleasant way.

During a meeting in Beer Hall Putsch, a place of meeting for political hierarchies, he held three Bavarian Ministers at gunpoint demanding power. They gave it to him at the time, but after they were let go they withdrew their statement. Hitler then was put into jail for thirteen months. After getting out, the Nazi's marched through the streets trying to gain power again. Then they were met on the streets by armed guards. The top three Nazi leaders all became injured.

When they were tried for jail sentences, the Nazi leaders intimidated the judges. Adolf was given a five-year sentence, and the Judge had said he was sorry he had to do it. Adolf ended up spending nine months in a suite of a jail cell. Then, another hard time came.

The American Stock market had dropped, so Hitler took his chance at preaching to the people and trying to gain power. He and the Nazi party worked their way to the second most popular party. When it became time to find a Chancellor, basically a German President to control the country, Hitler was not allowed to become one. But soon after another man was given it, the Nazi's took over, and the current chancellor was forced to stand down and give Hitler Power.

When he was in control, Hitler put his idea of purification, the master race, and anti Semitism to work. He blamed the Jews for literally anything bad that has happened to the Germans. He created concentration camps, which were slaughterhouses for the Jews, so he could purify and get rid of them as fast as he could. Then, WWII came into effect. But when Hitler began attacking other countries, defeat came. As the Nazi army fell by the thousands, Adolf would not admit defeat.

It was that that had destroyed him, so on April 30, 1945, Hitler put a bullet in his head. The man still deemed "Genius" by some, who had written a best seller of 300,000, created the German Highway, the first sketch and idea of the currently well known Beetle car, and who had risen up as one of the most well known historical leaders, had fallen..