Adolf Hitler And The Brutality Towards Jews example essay topic

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If I were to say the word "Nazi" the first few things to pop into your mind would most likely be killing Jews, World War II, Adolf Hitler, and the brutality towards Jews. Although all of these were big parts to the Nazi party there was still one more hug factor. The most crazed, brutal man, who still would claim he was just following orders, was Adolf Eichmann. He, with the help of his "Eichmann Hobby Shops" or gas chambers, ended up killing millions of Jews while serving under Adolf Hitler. Born in 1906 in Solingen, Germany, this brother- to-five seemed to be merely another normal child destined to grow up to be some average business man. His father was a stern and an accountant and it seemed as though little Eichmann would grow up to be like his father.

Trouble began to brew, though, as he moved to Linz, Austria after his father remarried. When Adolf Eichmann grew to be 16 years of age and ended up dropping out of school. Ironically, the school he dropped out of was the same exact school Adolf Hitler dropped out of just 20 years or so before. As time went on during the 1920's Adolf needed to get money so he began to do odd jobs, and while working as a traveling salesman he first heard Hitler speak on the radio and instantly became intrigued. That was it, the one moment that decided his fate, the moment when he decided that he wanted to join the Nazi party. The National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazi) started out as a small anti-Jewish group in 1918 but when Hitler became the leader of the Nazis in 1912 he began to improve upon it.

Finally, in 1934, Adolf Eichmann joined the Nazis in the SS section of military section. Through his training his discovered his great ability to endure severe pain as well as his love for precision and order. After a few hard years in the SS he decided to join the SD, the special operations section of the Nazi party, and as a result moved to Berlin, Germany, the capital. Throughout his work he read to very important books suggested by his boss in the SD.

They were both on Zionism, the belief that Jews should live in their own nation while others live in theirs. This goes along with how he always said that he enjoyed sending Jews out of the country. Later on he became the SD's expert on Jews after learning Hebrew and Yiddish, and finally, after being promoted four times between 1937 and 1941, became the director of the Jewish Emigration Office. Exterminating Jews became the Nazi's greatest problem. Exterminating them with standard shooting got very expensive and ores for the bullets got scarce.

This is where Adolf Eichmann comes in. He was assigned the task of finding a cost efficient way of exterminating large amounts of Jews. Although he and many other members of the Nazi party felt sympathy for the Jews and if it were up to them they wouldn't kill the Jews, he still went on looking for a new way of killing the Jews. Finally after a few weeks of hard thinking he came up with large rooms that would fill up with poisonous gas. These rooms, most well known as gas chambers or "Eichmann Hobby Shops", were made to look like showers with shower head-like objects hanging from the ceiling.

The Jews were tricking into thinking they could be cleaned and were brought into the large dark room. Then when they least expected it the gases would leak into the room and the Jews would be in for a long and painful death. As the Jews were dieing, though, Nazi officers would stand in the same room with gas masks on and did this as a training exercise. The Nazis kept on killing even though the war was surely over for them. After the war was over Eichmann knew he would be searched for by Israel as well as America.

To avoid being caught in the first place he would always keep a low rank even if he could easily make it to the top the SD. Many other officers were very confused about this and couldn't quite understand why he wouldn't except a higher position. He has even been compared to a weasel by his fellow Nazi members because he could kill and the disappear quickly and without accusing. Finally his luck changed and the Americans caught him but let him go after being convinced by him that he was a clerk.

After realizing that he could be caught now he moved to Argentina to avoid secret agents in 1950. His family later followed in 1952. To further throw off agents he changed his name to Richard Klement and took a job at a local automobile factory. It is, of course, impossible to hide forever and this showed as Adolf Eichmann or Richard Klement was arrested by Israeli agents.

While in jail he couldn't even eat of go to the bathroom unless specifically ordered to. After a few long years in an Israeli prison he finally executed by hanging in 1950..