Affair With The Woman example essay topic

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Book: ? For the Sake of Elena? by Elizabeth George Journal Entries by Inspector LynleyMonday: I got a case today. Unfortunately, another murder. This time, a twenty-year-old student from St. Stevens College.

She was brutally murdered. Her face was beating and then she was strangled to death with the ties of her own tracksuit. I feel bad for the poor woman who found her, an artist, looking for inspiration on Robinson Crusoe's Island. Havers and I have to work on this case. We? ll be going to Cambridge, where the girl's father lives, to investigate.

Something tells me this case will be tough to solve, but I hope I? m wrong. Tuesday: We? ve met a couple people. Elena's roommate, one of her supervisors who is also a professor, her father and step mother, and one of her friends from the Dea Stu group she was in. Dea Stu is a group for deaf students; this surprised me to find that this poor girl was deaf. Havers thinks that the professor, Thorson, had to have done it, but there's not enough evidence yet. I guess tomorrow will reveal more about this whole thing.

I? m lost track of days because I hardly get any sleep. After many long days of questioning and hard work, we found that Sara Gordon, the artist who? found? Elena, was actually the murderer. She was almost the last person we suspected. Turns out that Mr. Weaver, Elena's father, had an affair with the woman. She was teaching an art class that he was in.

She wanted revenge because he rejected her after their affair. Because of her selfish act, he is left without a daughter. At least this case is over, but I? m sure Havers and I will be back at it soon enough.