Aggressive Physical Contact And Non Physical Violence example essay topic
As authors claim, in their Method Section, two health care settings (Veterans Health Administration facilities located in New England and the Midwestern United States) were examined. Six hundred three workers were chosen to take part in a cross-national survey. Thirty four percent were male and the modal age was 50-59 years. The major part of workers was non-Hispanic and White. "Twenty-three percent were nursing staff, 31% were other clinical staff, and 46% had no patient care responsibilities, although they may have had some job-related contact with patients or visitors" (Lanza et al., 2006). Under the code of ethics, the rights of participants were arguably protected.
According to the author's explanation, a 235-question survey was sent to all workers along with their leave statements and earnings. The participation was not obligatory and the anonymity of participation was guaranteed. The questions in survey were aimed to define the frequency of each of fourteen types of non-physical violence and eight types of physical violence during the previous 12 months. Physical violence was identified as "actual or threatened aggressive physical contact", and non-physical violence involved passive and active forms of aggressive behavior.
The authors used Hodgson et al. survey and the Workplace Aggression Research Questionnaire by Neuman and Keashly in order to identify the types of physical violence. The question related to "inappropriate sexual advances" was added. The response scales for frequency of violence incidents ranged from 'never' to 'more than ten times' (1-8). The participants of survey had to choose the "perpetrator of their most recent assault" from ten types of perpetrators enlisted that further were "reduced from 10 alternatives to 3 broader classes: patient, staff, and other" (Lanza et al., 2006) in order to provide the researchers with more generalized data for analysis.
In order to take into account demographic variables, the participants had to provide with some personal details involving their first language, race, age, gender, ethnic origin, veteran status and staff position. Demographic variables were examined in relation to prevalence of non-physical and physical violence. Further analysis was conducted to evaluate the extent of relationship between non-physical and physical violence. According to the authors' analysis, a "significant correlation was found between physical and non-physical violence [r (586) = . 50; p