Al Qaeda Leader Osama Bin Laden example essay topic

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As you probably know September 11, 2001 was a very grim day in American history. Four commercial airplanes were hijacked. Two of which went on a suicide mission into the Twin World Trade Center towers in New York City, which killed over 4,000 innocent civilians and hundreds of policemen and firemen. The third plane crashed in to our Military Headquarters, the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. The fourth airplane which was hijacked by terrorists, which there were unconfirmed reports that it was heading toward the White House, was taken back in to control by passengers on the plane, but it fatally crashed in Pennsylvania. This led to a Military retaliation against those responsible for the attacks on our great country.

Osama Bin Laden a known terrorist took credit for the attacks on the United States. In this paper I will show my point of view on how I feel that the United States' Military Action in Afghanistan and the Middle East is Justified to take a stand against terrorism and to fight for freedom world wide. "The pictures of airplanes flying into buildings, fires burning, huge structures collapsing have filled us with disbelief, terrible sadness, and a quiet, unyielding anger. These mass murderers were intended to frighten our nation into chaos and retreat.

But the mission failed: our country is strong". (President George W. Bush, September 11th 2001). The President is right we will not stand for this sort of thing and I believe that our country is right in whatever military or other action that we take against those responsible. Those thought responsible are Osama Bin Laden the leader of Al Qaeda and Mohammed Omar the Leader of the Taliban who have joined forces to bring terror around the globe, particularly on Americans.

According to Encarta. com (2002) the word Taliban means student and Al Qaeda runs terrorist training camps through out Afghanistan. It is thought that they have been training for the September 11th attacks for sometime, which makes it premeditated and precisely planned out acts of terror and mass murder. G.W. Bush (2001), President of the United States of America also stated that the United States is not only fighting the Taliban in the mountains of Afghanistan, but we are trying to fight the war on terror from every front. The first phase on the war against terrorism was to have taken place in the terrorists bank accounts by draining their funds from companies and / or countries that support them. Mr. Bush also said that if you do business with terrorists or anyone who does business with terrorists that you will not be doing any sort of business with the United States of America. Not doing business and cutting off any terrorist financial support is key in any military operation. If they don't have the money they cant pay their men and the can't buy any weapons that can be used against us.

It also hopefully cuts off any chances that they may develop or purchase weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear, biological and chemical weapons. Donald Rumsfeld, the Secretary of Defense and the President G.W. Bush said that on Sunday, October 7th 2001 Operation Enduring freedom had begun. Since the Allied forces have liberated the Afghan people from the Taliban Regime which was in control of their country. They know that we are not at war against a country, rather we are at war with a hostile regime, a terrorist network that resides not only in the middle east and Afghanistan but all over the world. threatening the way of live, life itself and freedom of all peaceful people world wide.

Another big priority of the War at hand is to capture those responsible for the attacks, which means finding Osama Bin Laden. Richard La cavo, a Time Magazine writer wrote in the (January 14, 2002) Edition of Time Magazine told us that it would be pretty easy for Osama Bin Laden to disappear in to an Afghan Province called Helmand. It is a desert with hundreds of miles of terrain, remote villages and mountains nearby. The village in the area is called Musa Al " eh, which after the fall of Kandahar was thought to have had 1,500 taliban fighters and leaders pass through the area.

One of the leaders to pass through the area was Mullah Mohammed Omar, Osama Bin Laden's right hand man, the former ruler of Afghanistan and the second-most wanted fugitive from justice from the United States of America. When United States and allied forces learned of this they were quickly on the trail. Five U.S. specially equipped four wheel drive vehicles carrying more than twenty armed special forces troops were on the trail. They were accompanied by United States Helicopters and bombers flying above them. U.S. armed special forces team members have been on the trail for taliban fighters and leaders throughout "Operation Enduring Freedom". We have had success in finding many taliban fighters and have been sending them to our terrors t camp, called camp x-ray in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Despite early claims that Osama Bin Laden was dead, Jim Garam one, an American Forces Press Service writer said on (January 20, 2002) that the United States has no evidence that the Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden is dead.

There were reports that Osama Bin Laden may have passed away with a kidney disease which J. Gramamone reported on Donald Rumsfeld's appearance on NBC-TV's program called "Meet the Press". J. Gramamone also claimed that the Taliban forces are being driven out of their controlled areas and that they are not functioning to the best of their abilities, which as far as I or any American is concerned is a blessing. He also stated that the main objective of our Military besides abolishing terrorism world wide is to capture Bin Laden and his Taliban partner Mohammed Omar. Getting those two people to justice is of primary concern for the American people and for the people of the world to prevent any further acts of terror. The United States and allied forces are greatly appreciated in Afghanistan by the locals, who have been under the control of the militant Taliban for a number of years. Although there are certain hostile areas in the region that are very supportive of the Taliban, Al Qaeda and their mission goals. According to CNN Correspondents Jonathan Karl and Kate Snow (October 5, 2001) said that there has been a recent surge of information saying hat there is big chance for another terrorist attack against the United States in the near future.

I feel that whatever action that my Government feels necessary to use in the war against terrorism is fully justified. Not only for my fellow Americans but also for people world-wide and their children as well. That is why we need to bring those responsible to justice. Why our Military Actions in Afghanistan are Justified By John Neville English 102.10 February 12, 2002


Gramamone, Jim. Rumsfeld Says No Evidence Bin Laden is Dead. (Jan 20, 2002).
Retrieved January 22, 2002, : web 200201202.
html. Karl, Jonathan, and Snow Kate. Source:' 100-percent chance' of another arrack Lawmakers caution there's no specific threat. (October 5, 2001).
Retrieved Jan 21, 2002.
from the World Wide Web: web Richard. The Deadly Hunt. Which appeared In Time Magazine Vol. 159 No. 2. (Jan 14, 2002).
Retrieved January 16, 2002 from the World Wide Web: web (2001).
Retrieved January 22nd 2002 from the World Wide Web: web is the War on Terrorism? Retrieved January 17, 2002 from the World Wide Web: web.