Alcohol In High School example essay topic

448 words
Alcohol abuse is a very dangerous and harmful illness that goes on all over the world. The age that it all starts is when you are a student in high school. Binge drinking is what starts to get High School students into trouble. They go through a whole week of school and when the weekend comes they just want to let loose and get drunk. Letting loose every once in a while can lead to binge drinking all of the time.

Drinking alcohol in high school can lead to depression, and using other substances. Drinking alcohol underage while you are in school can lead to depression. Alcohol is really not the only thing that can make you depressed, but it is one of the leading causes. Often teens get depressed with alcohol after they have gotten into trouble with it. This could be with their parents, with the cops, or maybe even with their friends. Getting into trouble with the police for drinking could be for drinking underage, possession of alcohol, and possibly a DUI (Driving Under the Influence).

Five percent of teens suffer from depression and two percent of that comes from alcohol. The reason alcohol causes teens to become depressed is they do not realize the difference from their actions today to their consequences tomorrow. Adolescence is a time to try new things. Teens use alcohol for reasons such as curiosity, relieve stress, and to fit in. Using alcohol at a young age increases the risk of using other drugs later in life. When teens want to fit in they will try just about anything including drugs.

The most commonly used drugs are marijuana, stimulants (cocaine, crack, speed), LSD, PCP, opioids, heroin, and ecstacy. Most high school students are not in to all the drugs, but smoking marijuana has become more common. Some signs of a student using drugs are decreased interest, many absences, negative attitude, and plummeting grades. Drug use comes from drinking alcohol at a young age and not being able to make the right decision.

The effects of drinking alcohol before the legal of age can be very brutal and dangerous. Drinking in high school can start out being an every occasional, but eventually becomes much more. Some short term effects would be grades dropping and your attitude toward everything changing. Long term effects are alcoholism, losing your friends and family, and possibly death. When people begin to drink early on in their life there is a very good chance that someday they will become dependent on it.