American Immigration Policy example essay topic

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All members of the current population of the United States are either immigrants or their descendants, concerns with immigrants and immigration policies have confronted the nation throughout history. This is due mostly because the nation promotes freedom and democracy. There are also unlimited economic opportunities to improve the material circumstances of peoples' lives. While foreigners are coming into this country, the political view and public surroundings are changing drastically looking harmful for American culture and society. David Cole a law professor views immigration as a positive affect on America. Immigrants generate an excess in tax revenue and are creators of jobs within the economy.

He views assimilation in the form of "Americanization" as powerful sociocultural forces transforming children of immigrants in succeeding generations. In contrast, Peter Brimelow a Senior Editor at Forbes and National Review magazine sees immigration as a negative affect on America. He argues that the U.S. is being filled by aliens and this is changing the character and composition of the nation. Brimelow expresses concerns in the link between immigrant populations to crime, expanding prison population and cost of health care, and education. His emphasis is on restricting newcomers.

In the mid-nineteenth century a new political movement captured the American public labeled as the "Know-Nothings" and their theme was nativism. These people linked every problem in society on immigrants like prisons, charities, crime and police. At the time most immigrants were from Ireland because of the potato famine and Germany because of the political and economical problems. These immigrants were very poor and uneducated. Today the objects of prejudice are the Latin Americans.

David Cole examines significant myths to destructive sociocultural and economic impacts on immigrants. It is true that America is being overrun with immigrants. Realistically except for the real Native Americans we are a nation of immigrants, since Christopher Columbus arrived. Those who immigrate are refugees or immediate relatives of U.S. citizens.

Most aliens don't cross the border illegally; they come as students with visas and then remain as visitors. Immigrants do not take jobs from U.S. citizens. The Immigrants' Rights Project report studies done show immigrants create more jobs and are highly productive people who run their own businesses and employee both citizens and immigrants. Mario Cuomo reported that immigrants own more that 40,000 companies in New York, which $3.5 billion goes to the states economy resources. Immigrants do not drain on society's resources but rather benefit the economy because they generate more taxes. Anti-immigrant believers suggest that we might save money and lessen the reasoning to immigrate illegally if we denied undocumented aliens public services.

Except for education for children and benefits related to health and safety, which are basic cares to people in need undocumented aliens receive no social services. If we were to deny them of these basic needs it would probably cost more in the long run. The aliens refuse to assimilate, and are depriving us of our cultural and political unity. American culture has been created and revised by children of immigrants that are Chinese, Italian, Greek, and even Latin Americans which have become in our country presidents, senators and representatives. Our society exerts pressure to conform, and cultural independence rarely survives a generation. This is untrue and unlawful justification for limiting immigration in a society.

It is inhuman to for noncitizen immigrants to not be entitled to constitutional rights. In the Bill of Rights it gives protection to all people no just to citizens. Peter Brimelow believes that immigration is bad for America. The U.S. government policy is dissolving the people and electing a new one. The American immigration policy has always been democratic because it has been made through democratic procedures. Politicians ignore the fact that Americans don't want any more immigrants.

The numbers of aliens in this country are rising to levels never seen before and America will become a freak among the world's nations because of the demographic change that is inflicting. The 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution states' "All persons born or nationalized in the United States, and subject to jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside". This means any child born in the United States is automatically a citizen even if the mother is a foreigner. Currently there are 4 million foreigners that just arrived here, when these illegal immigrants have children they will be citizens. Brimelow strongly disagrees with this and believes that the U.S. has lost control of its borders and robbed Americans of the power to determine things. Even the legal immigration is out of control, it is an imitation civil right and with no regard on Americans interest.

Brimelow believes this is why America is in the middle of a crime, health and education crisis and is no beneficial economically either. Race and ethnicity are in American politics because of the rise of affirmative action quotas. America is remaining a democratic republic in spirit but may be diluting their citizenship into unimportance. A significant theme of the American experience is immigration. Newcomers have made numerous contributions to this creation and development of this nation. Children of immigrants made major contributions to building America while exerting leadership to achieve a position in this world and move this nation forward.

There is no perceived threat of cultural threat in terms of language, customs, and values. Brimelow believes that mass immigration is causing harm to our nation and America is becoming an "alien nation". For him the benefits do not outweigh the social cost. Cole believes that immigrants have to struggle for appreciation and acceptance in this land despite their labor and contributions to American life. Overall Cole is impressed with immigrants for their hard work and contributions they made to this nation. I strongly agree with Cole.