American Neo Nazi Movement example essay topic
The hair is completely shaven or closely cut to the head. The Skins wear many symbols supporting the movement, such as, swastikas supremacy slogans, and other white power emblems or tattoos. Neo-Nazis believe that to be white is to be right. That the Aryan race, the whites, are the pure race and that there should be no other ethnic groups or races. Homosexuals, Jews, Hispanics and Afro-Americans are the main targets for this organization.
But there are others. Any minority is the enemy of a true Skin. They wish to attract only those people who are willing to fight and sacrifice for something greater and more meaningful than themselves... The White People as a race. The members usually range from 13 to 25 years old. These groups have been responsible for more than 45 deaths of minorities.
American groups that are included in the Neo-Nazi movement are: The, The American Nazi Party, National Alliance, Christian Identity, And The World Church of the Creator. The Ku Klux Klan is one of several white supremacy organizations in the United States. These are dedicated to opposing civil rights for Blacks, Jews, and other ethnic, racial, social or religious groups. They also oppose Catholicism and the gay rights movement. The name Ku Klux Klan comes from cackles, the Greek word for circle. A myth has existed in the United States which alleges that the name comes from the sound of the hammer of a rifle being cocked.
Members of the Klan are easily recognizable by their distinctive white robes and hoods, when they are in action. They also often give themselves fancy titles such as 'Grand Wizard' to indicate status... The American Nazi Party is a legally based political and educational organization that claims to be in place to save the white race, the Aryan Republic, and our Western-European cultural heritage. They act out with violent manners sometimes leading to beatings, stabbings and even murder. They destroy buildings, cemeteries and other constructions, with their graffiti and by demolishing them, of different minorities. They often blame their society's problems on non-white immigrants and a Jewish World Conspiracy.
The vast majority of these groups operate underground due to the negative feedback form most societies. Nazism is at it's strongest today, all over the world, since the fall of the Nazi German government. It is stronger than the original Nazi party was during the period I which it came to power, making it a more serious problem than even most experts would prefer to admit. The American Nazi Party is not for everyone, nor is it meant to be. The National Alliance is an American neo-Nazi organization. It is believed to be the best-financed and best-organized openly Nazi organization in the United States.
The founder of the National Alliance was William Pierce, a former member of the American Nazi Party, and author of the infamous racial revolutionary fiction 'The Turner Diaries. ' The National Alliance was connected with the neo-Nazi group The Order in the 1980's, and because of the fact that The Order is modeled and named after the group depicted in The Turner Diaries. Anti-Semitism is the core position of the National Alliance - after the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack William Pierce set aside his racism against non-whites to declare that 'The enemy of our enemy is, for now at least, our friends... we may not want them marrying our daughters... but anyone who is willing to drive a plane into a building to kill Jews is alright by me. I wish our members had half as much testicular fortitude. '. Christian Identity is a label applied to a wide variety of militant pro-European Christian groups.
Their key commonality is British Israelis m theology, which teaches that white Europeans are the decedents of the 10 lost tribes of Israel and that the Israelites are still God's 'elect'. There are estimated to be about 50,000 adherents of these groups in the United States of America. Many consider Jews to be the Satanic offspring of Eve and the Serpent, while non-whites are 'mud peoples' created before Adam and Eve. They engage in extreme anti-government movements.
And have committed criminal behavior ranging from hate crimes to acts of terrorism. I found a website that is a supporter of the Christian Identity movement, here's the link... web The World Church of the Creator (WOTC) is a non-profit white-supremacist organization which advocates a 'White Religion'. The group denies the Holocaust and is dedicated to the 'survival, expansion, and advancement of the White Race exclusively'. Originally called simply the Church of the Creator, the organization was founded in 1973 by Ben Klassen and currently led by Matthew Hale. At the time of its creation, Klassen wrote, 'We completely reject the Judeo-democratic-Marxist values of today and supplant them with new and basic values, of which race is the foundation. ' This is simply an overview of a few of the White supremacy groups in America.
The ones I have listed are the major groups but there are many more.