American Soldier example essay topic
Now, when it is time to earn your keep and get to work for your wages and stop the gravy train, the families of soldiers are not as proud of the choice their children have made. How can people be so proud of their family members being in the military when there is nothing for them to do and then suddenly think the work is wrong and dirty? A lot of this attitude is being related to religious value, but scripture is filled with the wars of the world and during those wars at the respective time it is written that the battles lasted for years even decades or longer. The armies of Alexander the Great, Hannibal, King Arthur, World War I, conquering the American West and the American Civil War all had family members serving long, long periods in battle away from home on lengthy tours to accomplish the mission. These soldiers worked for far less pay than the present soldier without the current family perks. When the public realizes that the modern soldier volunteered to do this work then they will realize that the nature of the job has Death associated with it.
The soldier is taught this, the history books acknowledges the effects of war on a nation and the individual. How can this nation be secure if the personnel are lying up on the shores, making babies? Prior to engaging in war, the military has the largest Welfare payroll in the nation. People doing nothing getting paid from the public fund. While the rest of the population is struggling to make ends meet. When the ordinary citizen has to lobby to get medical benefits from the same fund.
When legislation is required to gain and education, while employment is being contracted out to other nations. When the legislative bodies find it appropriate to grant other countries BILLIONS to improve their existence, with contributions of the few Americans who are employed. If any whining is done it should be geared toward the mishap that has affected those Americans and the cities and states that cannot meet the need of our own citizens. This country professes to be the riches nation in the world but, people are sleeping in the streets, dying in the streets, homeless, starving, illiterate when America has the strongest educational system and a President who says that Americans have fallen behind India, Pakistan and other Third World countries, so it is advantageous for the exporting of jobs so that WE (Americans) can compete. I would like to know who we have to compete with when there isn't any competition in these nations. It is our work (jobs) that floats these nations along with the FREE this nation supplies to countries without any accountability to their use.
Today the computer industry for which Silicon Valley originated is providing tech support persons living in a third world country. What is the problem with phone tech support being received and assistance given in Arkansas, Alabama, Utah or New York or even the founding zone Silicon Valley? The unemployment factor for that region and the lost of wages, homes and personal possession has reached an all time high. Poverty of American citizens appears to be calculated and exact. The American citizen is in need of the BANG FOR THE BUCK, that has made this nation great. The American soldier will be another sacrifice when the free paycheck has ended for their families and the time to go to a real job in the private arena / sector is not there for them.
The war on the home front is the war America is losing. Why is it against the law to not pay taxes when the government only gives it freely to those who have not earned or contributed to its origin? Americans should want their taxes used to benefit the citizens of this nation. When has the government cited the repayment of funds given to assist any nation in the past 70 years?
What countries have repaid their borrowings? Where the accountability for the collection of these debts as is is with the toll the Internal Revenue Service places on its citizens. The American soldier should want any campaign to last and last and last because he and his family are in for a rude awakening when their tour is over. These whining families need to get over the necessary work of their love ones until the country has a place for them that require you earn your keep. Right now that is what they are doing earning their keep and not getting the free ride that has been afforded them over the years..