Andrew Jackson example essay topic

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Andrew Jackson The seventh president of the united states was Andrew Jackson. He was born in South Carolina on march 15, 1767. He was born to Andrew and Elizabeth Hutchings on Jackson. His brothers were Hugh and Robert. His dad died in 1767. Andrew attended frontier schools and acquired the reputation of being a fiery-tempered and willing to fight all comers. ( web) He learned to read and was of ten called on by the community to read aloud the news from the Philadelphia papers. (web 761569591/Jackson Andrew. html) He was 13 years old when the American revolution started.

He became an "orderly" messenger in the militia of South Carolina. (web 761569591/Jackson Andrew. html) his brother Hugh was killed but Robert and he were captured. They were out in a British prison in Camden, South Carolina when smallpox broke out. Smallpox killed Robert but Andrews mom got him out. Andrews mom died right after the smallpox by helping nurse other American prisoners.

He was 14 years old without any immediate family. With a 4300 inheritance from his grandpa he went to Charleston, South Carolina. He made a dashing figure in society until his money ran out. He was admitted to practice law in 1787. The next year he and a lawyer, John Mcnair y, crossed the Cumberland mountains. (web) They settled in the village of Nashville, Jackson quickly made a name for himself prosecuting debaters. He built up a successful law practice and engaged in land speculation. ( web 761569591/Jackson Andrew. html) He married Rachel Donelson Robards.

He had no children, but he adopted Rachel's infant nephew. They also raised 3 other nephews as well as a native American boy whos parents had been killed in Jackson's campaign. Andrew Jackson was also a soldier. He battled at Horseshoe bend. He took 2000 men against the upper creek. His soldiers were poor warriors and weren't equipped with food and supplies.

He held it together by force of will after he let women and children cross the river he wiped out the creek forces. He also battled at the Battle of New Orleans. He was made a major general and was ordered to defend the early city against the city against British attacks. Jackson found the city defenseless. (web) The British had a plan to surprise attack them but Jackson heard it that afternoon. He used their own attack against them. The British were thrown back 2000 casualties.

He lead an expedition to Florida to follow the Seminole people. Spain and Britain were incensed by Jacksons activities in Florida. Many members of the congress and several in the cabinet wished Jackson reprimanded and his action reputed. Only John Quincy Adams defended Jackson. Jacksons popularity increased from his Florida campaign. (web) It influenced Spain to sell Florida. He procured jobs for his friends.

After 4 months of it he resigned and returned to his private life. In 1822 "Junto, the Tennessee legislature nominated Jackson for president". in 1823 he was again elected, they again elected him to senate to give him a rational platform. He voted for internal affairs and for a high tariff on imported goods. He had a few political allies. His supporters had to seek help elect with a locking political base in congress they made a direct appeal in the people. Property votes were going to white men and electoral votes to the people.

On February 9, 1825 the house elected Adams. Jacksons supporters accused them of making a "corrupt bargain". (web 761569591/Jackson Andrew. html) He felt that he had an issue that would let him win. The campaign of 1828 began as soon as Adams was elected. He returned to Hermitage while his supporters campaigned in his behalf. They made vicious personal attacks on each other.

Jackson became a symbol of democratic reform and a large segment looked him for leadership in the struggle ahead. Jackson finally became president. Jacksons first administration lasted through 1829-1833. Jackson resisted the existence of a bank that had a powerful voice in national affairs yet was not responsive to the will of the people. ( web) He contend that only the creditor, investor, and speculator produced the real wealth of the nation by their labor. Many business people and state bankers opposed it because of its restrictive control over their financial interest. The bank was a threat to political and economic democracy.

The election of 1832 was a landmark in American history. (web) The candidates were chosen by party convention for the first time. They chose Martin Van Buren as vice president. Congress passed a tariff that South Carolina deemed as oppressive to its interest. The people nullified.

Jackson stood behind the supreme powers of the federal government. Jackson pushed a force bill that authorized the use of federal troops to collect the tariff, they also passed a compromise tariff in the 1833 with the Force Bill. South Carolina accepted the tariff, but nullified the Force Bill. Jacksons second administration was in 1833. Jackson scored two diplomatic triumphs, one with Britain and France.

This ended a long dispute with those countries. When Jackson came into office neither power was allowing direct west Indies trade with each other. They succeeded in getting a treaty to reopen American ports to British shipping in exchange for similar rights in the British West Indies. France had two installments that had not been paid.

Jackson asked congress to confiscate French holdings in the united states. The French government indignantly served diplomat is reasons. They finally paid all debts in 1836. During his presidency large numbers of slave holding southerners settled in Texas. He offered to buy Texas from Mexico, but they refused. Texas fought and won independence from Mexico in Jacksons second term.

Jackson spent the last eight years of his life at Hermitage. He continued to entertain political supporters and kept a close watch on national affairs. On his deathbed he said "My dear children, friends, and servants, I hope and trust to meet you all in heaven, both white and black, both white and black". (web 761569591/Jackson Andrew. html) Andrew Jackson died on June 8, 1845..