Animal Farm example essay topic

369 words
George a Or wells novel "Animal Farm' is a classic example of a story filled with conflict. The story was written after World War II as a charac ature of the Russian government. The novel, set on a farm told of how the animals believed they could best run their own lives, if left alone by the humans surrounding them. Old Major dreamed of a society ruled by animals and how wonderful it would be.

He told the others animals of this dream and they too believed in the dream and in Old Major. The animals decided to revolt against their oppressor, the farmer and his wife after Old Major dies. The animals are tired of being treated cruelly and without respect for their contributions to the farm. They believe that if they ran their own lives that they would have an ideal existance and live in harmony together and that they could do as they pleased. Napolean and Snowball (two pigs) and the cows lead the revolt in the barn after the farmer refuses to feed them adequately. All the animals attack and defeat the farmer and his men and scare the farmers wife into sneaking out of the farmhouse and escaping.

Life after the humans leave is not the paradise the animals had dreamed about; Old majors ideals were forgotten and the pig Napolean and his pack of dogs assume leadership. Snowball, the other pig is forced to flee for his life and the other animals begin to suffer as they did before the revolution. Napolean and his pack of dogs al nog with the other pigs begin to associate with the humans they despised. The other animals see them in the farmhouse playing cards with the humans and see a fight erupt between them. Soon it is apparent that the animals and the humans are alike, faces all angry and full of rage. The others are unable to distinguish he humans from the animals and the end of their paradise has begun.

What happens to the farm and it's inhabitants is never told, but is left to the readers imagination.