Applications For Virtual Reality Technology example essay topic

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Introduction In the not so distant past, all mechanical drawings and blueprints were created by hand. Models of the parts were then made, also by hand. Mistakes could cost a great deal of time and money. Then the design world was revolutionized by computer aided drafting.

This new tool, along with the addition of rapid prototyping, has saved industry a countless amount of hours and money. As efficient as the part modeling systems of today are, a new tool is developing that may once again change the part modeling process for good. Virtual reality systems can allow a person to "walk" through a new building or examine a new part before a mock up or model is ever made, allowing changes to be implemented before anything is ever built. Although only considered to be in its infancy stages, virtual reality will soon become an integral part of the design process. Virtual Reality Background The term virtual reality describes a computer program that stimulates some or all of the five senses in order to create an "illusion of being somewhere or doing something" (Bates 53). It can consist of programs that allow the user to "fly through" a design, or it can be a room complete with three dimensional graphics, sound, and the sense of touch.

In the world of virtual reality, there are six degrees-of- freedom, or in other words, six different types of movement. In addition to the normal up / down and left / right movements, the user can also pitch up or down, angle left or right, move forward or backward and rotate left or right. A normal drawing from CAD can become a virtual environment that can almost be percept ed as real (Teschler 60). Virtual Reality Applications Numerous virtual reality application are available on the market, ranging from a price of several hundred dollars to millions of dollars. As mentioned above, the simplest of the virtual reality programs is the fly through program. This type of application can be run from a personal computer without the need of expensive hardware.

Some of these programs, such as ADAMS form Mechanical Dynamics and Working Model from Knowledge Revolution allow designs to be subjected to a kinematic analysis in order to see how parts will perform. These types of applications are used extensively in the automotive industry (Puttre 21). Three Dimensional Graphics The next step up is to make the virtual environment three dimensional. This is done using a 3-D graphics generator such as stereographic goggles, also known as head mounted displays (HMD's) (Derra 46).

A simple movement of the head will change the perspective seen through the goggles, just as in real life. Although the use of a HMD can provide a totally unique perspective it increased cost must be considered. For complicated, 3-D virtual systems, a graphics accelerator and a six degree-of-freedom mouse are needed (Teschler 62). These items coupled with the cost of the HMD can drive the price up to around 130,000 dollars (Derra 46). Virtual Touch In addition to sight, virtual reality can also include the sense of touch. Cybernet Systems Corporation has developed a hand held system that will give the user a sense of pressure when obstructions in the virtual room are reached (Schut 23).

Prosolvia Clar us of Sweden has developed a pair of cyber gloves that will produce a feeling of restraint when trying to penetrate a barrier and a feeling of weight when holding an object (Bates 54). Advanced Virtual Reality Applications The majority of virtual reality programs in industry today are the fly through programs used with either normal computer screens or goggles. However there are some advanced virtual reality systems in use on a small scale. The two systems in use today are the Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (Cave) and Simulation Based Design (SBD) system. These two cutting edge systems are very expensive and in use mainly at universities and in the automotive and aerospace industries. The Cave system at the Argonne National Laboratory in Argonne, Illinois is typical of most Cave systems.

"Images are projected onto the floor and on stretched Mylar screens forming the front and two side walls for 180 (degree) of immersed visualization" (Bates 55). Users wear special goggles that cause depth perception, and the system is controlled by mouse and joystick controls (Bates 55). The Cave system is also employed at Caterpillar in Peoria, Illinois. The virtual reality environment is created by importing drawings from the Pro / Engineer CAD system. The Cave system is equipped with a steering wheel, shifter, seat and other controls so the imported design can actually be "driven" (Teschler 62). Different environments, such as a cornfield or a landfill, can be utilized during the simulation.

Managers of the new Caterpillar technology believe that the device has significantly reduced product development time (Bates 56). Simulation Based Design (SBD) was started by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, in conjunction with several private defense contractors. SBD combines CAD with virtual reality and kinematic analysis to produce realistic simulations. Using a SBD program, Lockheed Martin had successfully produced simulations of Navy ship deck gun firing arcs.

As SBD technology continues to progress, design times will decrease, physical prototypes will be eliminated, and initial design quality will be improved (Puttre 22). Although Cave and SBD systems are available, they are not in use by many companies yet. Most companies refrain from such a large system because of its high cost. The initial cave system can cost around $400,000, and the computers to run the graphic displays can cost an additional $30,000 to $300,000 (Derra 46).

It is not widely believed that the benefits of these systems outweigh the initial costs at this point in time. Conclusion Every new technology requires time before general acceptance is achieved. Virtual reality technology has not been around for long, so wide acceptance has generally not been seen. However, as the technology continues to improve and the cost decreases, virtual reality will find a home in industry. In the not so distant future, virtual reality simulations will be the norm and prototypes will be a thing of the past. Abstract Virtual Reality technology is in the beginning stages, but will soon have a large impact on product development.

Several different types of virtual technologies are available today. The basic systems operate on normal computers. Three dimensional systems are available, and some even offer the sense of touch. Cave systems and SBD systems offer the most options and best effects, but are costly and not in wide use.

More applications for virtual reality technology will seen as the technology evolves.


Bates, Charles A. "Come on in, the VR is fine". American Machinist. vs. 141, 1997.
pp. 53-6. Derra, Skip. "Virtual reality: development tool or research toy". R & D Magazine. vs. 40, 1998.
pp. 45-50. Dvorak, Paul. "Engineering puts virtual reality to work". Machine Design 29 Feb 1997.
pp. 69-73. Puttre, Michael. "Simulation-based design puts the virtual world to work". Design News vs. 53, 1998.
pp. 21-25. Schut, Jan H. "Auto fact showcases low-cost, high-function software and the first touchy-feely CAD". Plastics World Jan 1997.
pp. 22-26. Teschler, Leland. "Walk-through realism slashes development time". Machine Design 25 May 1995.