Architecture example essay topic

356 words
"Architecture is not produced simply by adding plans and sections to elevations. It something else and a lot more. It is impossible to explain precisely what it is. Its limits are by no means well defined. On the whole art-should not be explained, it must be experienced" Architecture provides a framework for people's lives. Houses they live in, buildings they work in.

Naturally people will feel to a building. Some will comment on how comfortable it feels, how space full and graceful it feels, how small, cozy and warm it feels. Immediately human emotions are directly in use to experience the functional sculpture it is. All senses come into play where solids and cavities evoke certain emotions, scale and proportion, rhythm, light, colour and most recently hearing.

"Architecture is frozen music-so music must be melted architecture."Durability, use, and sex appeal", this phrase has been referred to for many centuries as the basis of all 'good' architecture. In today's world, and more precisely Sydney Australia, the architect has been under constant scrutiny for being a money hungry-lazy builder / engineer. In comparison to the older days where the finest of artists where employed as the architects. Their roles were powerful in shaping their society and time through their artistic expressions.

They left a true and accurate description of their time, and it was from the architectural ruins that history composed it self into the mighty empires of the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and the more recent Gothic period. Architecture has been sometimes referred to as an art, thus the architect tends to be called an artist as a result, a sculptor in a sense. His building becomes a type of sculpture, which people can use, associate with, and have feelings towards. It becomes a "functional art". This then leaves the architect with a phenomenal and awesome responsibility. Ironically the architect himself sometimes does not realize this, and consequently so will the public who continue to view it with the arrogance and the neglect of our time, the twentieth century..