Article Over Hate Crimes example essay topic

492 words
This article over hate crimes was trying to convince the reader that there are needs to study and figure out a way to alleviate hate crimes and treat the victims. Although it seems to be a problem, there is little that can be done because people fail to report the acts against them because of the fear of future harassment from the offender and the fear of the escalation of the amount of harassment. The article gives various ways in which government officials are reacting to the rise and hate crimes and the new policies they are enacting to help victims. There is various evidence to support that hate crimes are becoming a problem and will continue to become a problem unless something is done to stop it.

Government officials are passing new laws to create stricter punishments for those who choose to inflict hate on another person because of their race, beliefs, sexual preference, etc. I agree with this articles stand on hate crimes. Hate crimes should be looked at more closely, but at the same time there are other crimes out there that need closer attention also. Crimes that are reported aren't looked into thourouly and then nothing is done for the victim.

I think the government it putting too much on its plate. They do need to spend time on this issue, but they need to think a lot longer about better ways to fix it in certain areas. People first start to realize their gender identity when they are nine months of age, research shows. We are witnesses to gender stereotypes everyday. Such as little boys should play with trucks and little girls should play with dolls. Evan as we get older, occupations are held for certain sexes.

A male nurse may seem weird to some people and a woman construction worker looks totally out of place. Women are expected to cook, clean, and raise the children, while men are the breadwinners of the family. Roles are changing quickly though as more and more women are being introduced to the work field. Modern racism is a form of prejudice that surfaces in subtle ways when it is safe, socially acceptable, and easy to rationalize.

I believe modern racism was best described in the courtroom scenario. A person with modern racism is trying so hard to be fair to a person different from them, they actually are discriminating against them. They do this by giving them a lighter sentence for a crime they would have given a much harsher one to someone "like them" in their struggle to be fair. It is a little more difficult to uncover this. People don't even realize they are doing it. I think just educating people to let them know what they are actually doing would help a great deal.