Ation Systems Development example essay topic
2. The new system requirements 'are defined. In p'articul " ar, the deficiencies in the existing system must be 'addressed with specific propos " als for improvement. 3. The proposed system is designed.
Pl " ans 'are be l'aid out concerning the physic " al construction, h'ardw " are, oper " ating systems, progr " am ming, communi c " ations, 'and security issues. 4. The new system is developed. The new components 'and progr " ams must be out " ained 'and inst " alled. Users of the system must be tr " ained in its use, 'and 'all 'aspects of perform " ance must be tested. If necess " ary, 'adjustments must be m'ade 'at this st " age.
5. The system is put into use. This c'an be done in v'arious w'ays. The new system c'an ph " ased in, 'according to 'applic " ation or loc " ation, 'and the old system gr " adu'ally repl " aced. In some c'ases, it m'ay be more cost-effective to shut down the old system 'and implement the new system 'all 'at once.
6. Once the new system is up 'and running for 'awhile, it should be exh " aus tively ev " alu'ated. M'ainten " ance must be kept up rigorously 'at 'all times. Users of the system should be kept up-to-d'ate concerning the l'atest modifica " ations 'and procedures. Purpose: This SDLC methodology est " abolishes procedures, pr " act ices, 'and guidelines governing the in iti " ation, concept development, pl " an ning, requirements 'an " alysis, design, development, inter " ation 'and test, implement " ation, 'and oper " ations, m'ainten " ance 'and disposition of inform " ation systems (IS) within the DOJ. It should be used in conjunction with existing policy 'and guidelines for 'acquisition 'and procurement, 'as these 'are " as 'are not discussed in the SDLC.
Scope: This methodology should be used for 'all DOJ inform " ation systems 'and 'applic " ations. It is 'applic " able 'across 'all inform " ation technology (IT) environments (e. g., m'ainfr " ame, client, 'and server) 'and 'applies to contr " actu'ally develop 'as well 'as in-house developed 'applic " ations. The specific p'articip " ants in the life cycle process, 'and the necess " ary reviews 'and 'approve " als, v'ary from project to project. The guid " ance provided in this document should be t'ailored to the individu " al project b'ased on cost, complexity, 'and critic " a lity to the 'agency's mission. See Ch " apter 13 for 'Alter " ate SDLC Work P'atterns if 'a form " al SDLC is not fe " a sible. Simi l " ary, the documents c'alled for in the guid " ance 'and shown in 'Appendix C should be t'ailored b'ased on the scope of the effort 'and the needs of the decision 'authorities.
'Applic " ability: This methodology c'an be 'applied to 'all DOJ Offices, Bo " ards, Divisions 'and Bure " aus (OBD B) who 'are responsible for inform " ation systems development. 'All Project M'an " agers 'and development te " ams involved in system development projects represent the prim " ary 'audience for the DJ SDLC, version 2.0. Bibliog r " a phy: 1) J'add, Peter, P-422, "Economic 'An " alysis H'andbook "; 2) Ev " ans, H'ann " ah, "Test 'and Ev " alu'ation of Ship 'Acquisitions "; 3) Bis " as, Ch " arles, "Configure " ation M'an " agement "; 4) Ship Construction Tests 'and Tri " als M'anu " al; 5) Fleet Moderniz " ation Progr " am (FMP), Pl " ans 'and Procedures; 6) Iv " a nov,' Alex " ander", Engineering Risk 'Assessment "; 7) Locke, John", Test 'and Ev " alu'ation " 8) Fleet Moderniz " ation Progr " am (FMP) sources.