Atrocities Of The Chicago Meat example essay topic

345 words
Draft 1- Letter to the Editor paper U.S. History 4th hour Nov. 101665 65th Street Chicago, Illinois 49408 Chicago Tribune 1864 Rutherford Street Chicago, Illinois November 10, 1900 To Whom It May Concern I am a concerned resident of the great city of Chicago who would like to express a few ideas on the following subject. For many years, the meat packing industry of this town has provided many jobs and generated great amounts of commerce. However, the meat packing plants are the epicenter of a huge health risk to Americans everywhere. I recently read an expose called "The Jungle", by. I had merely picked it up through a mutual friend out of curiosity, but was quickly wrapped up in reading of the atrocities of the Chicago meat packing plants.

Take for example the rodent infestation of storage facilities or the recycling of rotten hams and meat scraps. If that doesn't make your stomach turn, you should also take into concern the employee's daily practice of washing their bacteria laden hands in water intended for a batch of sausage. None of the above is a lie or an exaggeration my friend, these are true practices of numerous meat packing facilities in the Chicago area. I would like this letter to be published in your great newspaper to bring to light the conditions of our meat packing plants. It was said that in the Spanish American War that the rotten canned meats killed more soldiers than bullets. We cannot allow this to continue.

We must hound our legislators for tighter regulations on not only Chicago " seat packing plants but all of America's packing companies. This is America, one of the most industrialized and civil nations in all of the world. As upright citizens we cannot sit back and let such a dishonest and corrupt industry run rampant. Please take these facts into consideration and help me expose this giant meat packing scandal. Sincerely, Philip Mullenssource: the jungle by upton sinclair.