Back On The Story Of Nina example essay topic

769 words
Just Breathing Ill-timed encounters with torment and death will always leave one behind as a reflective and thought full individual. "Just Breathing", which was published in 1997 in the book "Sex, Drugs, Rock'n'Roll: Stories to end the century", deals with a woman who feels, that she has changed after a strange meeting with the woman Made. This essay contains an analysis and an interpretation of Nina and the function Madge has in Nina's life. The story begins quite sudden because the reader is practically thrown into the story and the characters aren't introduced. If you take a look at the verbs in the first three lines you will see that most of them are written in past tense. Therefore you can see that the narrator is looking back on the story of Nina.

It's unclear whether or not the narrator knows Nina, but by examining the text further er it becomes more and more obvious that it is a narrator who is present in the short story. From time to time while telling the story the narrator interrupts Nina to comment on the thoughts and actions of her, "Line 6, p 1 [why did illness never strike in term time? ]" and "Line 101, p 4 [buying twenty Benson & Hedges. (Twenty!) ]". In this short story Diana Hendry uses interior monologues to show the emotionally affected woman, Nina, and her life after a close encounter with death. Nina is a middle-aged woman who has taught English Literature for 15 years and she is married to Tom. After a serious asthma attack Nina is back at home recalling her stay at the hospital and especially the person she met there, Madge Dawson.

During her stay at the hospital she develops a special bond to Madge, however, when talking about it with her friends she isn't to keen on talking about their relationship. Nina is also very narrow-minded, instead of calling her smoking for an addiction she calls it a "Line 56, p 2 [sin of despair]". This could be interpreted as her reluctance to accept unpleasant truths. She realizes that "Line 48 -49, p 2 [To smoke is to commit slow suicide]" and she even calls it the eight deadly sin but she keeps on smoking after her asthma attack.

Madge has affected Nina's way of thinking very much, and especially her last words "Line 10 - 11, p 1 ["I'm going. You " ve come to take over". ], keeps troubling Nina. She doesn't seem to be accepting the fact that Madge meant what she said literally. Madge saw how Nina was gasping for breath the first night so one must assume that Madge has tried the same thing.

So Madge probably knows that Nina is smoking, and her last words could be seen as a warning. Nina also sees Madge as a "Line 102, p 4 [Government Health Warning]". Their views on smoking are also very different, seeing that Nina calls cigarettes for "honeysuckles" and Madge calls them "cancer suckles". Madge's function in this story is to intimidate Nina to quit the dangerous path she has chosen but Madge's horrible fate has another effect on Nina. You would think that seeing a human being like Madge, a decaying human being, you would reconsider your life and choices. However, Nina realizes that she could end up like Madge, as this passage shows", Lines 217-221, p 6 [The only thing she could see herself "taking over" was the manner of Madge's death.

As though she too was destined to spend four months gasping for breath, dying as slowly as a human being knew how to die. That was all nonsense, of course]". In these lines it becomes obvious that she understands the possible consequences of her smoking The ending illustrates which path she chooses. Nina smokes the Benson & Hedges cigarettes and drinks wine, which is unhealthy for her and her final remark, "Line 232, p 7 [I feel quite like my old self]" indicates that Nina in fact ignores the warning which Madge told her about.

This short story is very well-written. The reader has to read every sentence very closely to be able to understand the whole story. I think the narrator wants us to think about the choices we make in our life, and consider them very much, because it could be a fatal choice which could bring you in a very bad situation.