Back To Birdee's Home Town Of Smithville example essay topic

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Hope Floats The movie I decided to watch is called Hope Floats. This is a great movie, and it not only should be about love, but it showed me about life. Do you think you can fix your life and get it back on the right track all on your own? All you have to do is just have to give hope a chance and believe that everything will get better someday. There is always a time in everyone's life when something horrible happens. Sometimes it something that changes your very course of life in an instant.

Then life becomes difficult and it seems all you can do is give up on everything. But it does not have to be like that at all. Your life is not over, you just hit a rough spot along the way, and things are bound to get better, because it is easier to bounce higher once you have fallen. Birdee Calvert, played by Sandra Bullock, was a beauty queen, known as "Ms. Popular". She was also a cheerleader and even prom queen when she was in high school.

She married her high school sweet heart, Bill Calvert. They then moved to Chicago straight after high school and lived the perfect life together... so it seemed. Then things began to seem different for her and things did not seem so perfect after all. The whole movie starts when she appears on a Reality TV show. She thinks she's there for a free make over or something that he best friend dragged her into doing. She soon realizes that's not why she's there at all.

On this TV show, Birdee's best friend admits and tells her she's having an affair with her husband. Birdee and her young daughter, Bernice, decide to pack up and leave Bill. They move out and travel back to Birdee's home town of Smithville, Texas. There she much live with her mother. She was never very close with her mother growing up, but now she has to live with her, she wants to start a new bond together.

When she gets to Smithville her life becomes even more complicated than it was to begin with and she never thought it could quite be like this. After much debate, Birdee finally is convinced to start a new life, which involves getting a new job. There is a problem though, she must deal with something from her past. Most of the people she went to high school with still live in Smithville. Normally this would not be a problem for anyone else, but when you think about that fact that her and her friends teased everyone, it was a big problem for her, because everyone is all grown up now. Birdee realizes that people she always made fun of are now a big part of the town such as a girl that she called polka dots...

Dottie, polka dot's real name, finds out Birdee loves to take pictures so she finds her a job at the local photo store, which was nice of her for what Birdee did to her. For Birdee's mother finding a job was not good enough. She wanted her to move on with her live and maybe find a new boyfriend. This is where Justin Matisse comes into the movie. He was not one of the popular kids in high school, but he's had a crush on Birdee for the longest time, even thought she was not particularly nice to him or interested him at all. Birdee's mother wants these two to get together and date.

But she even thought her husband hurt her very badly, she just can't seem to get over it. Birdee has had two things in her life that she's cherished. One of them being the man in her life and the other is being a mother, and now it seems like she has neither. Now she does not have any of these things. Her husband cheated on her and her daughter is extremely upset with the split of her parents and the fact that Birdee is always depressed and always in bed, she soon thinks her mother is the one to blame for the split. Bridges daughter Bernice, does not like Justin very much, she wants what most kids want, which is for her parents to get back together, but that's an unrealistic expectation.

She does not want to see her mom get into another relationship in fear of the same thing happening twice. Bernice thinks her father is going to come back for them. She tries to scare Justin away every time he stops by, because she thinks that with him gone her mother and father will get back together. She makes a decision and finally understands what she needs to do in life while in Smithville.

With help from her mom and Justin, she can start to let go of her lost marriage and start over. Birdee had finally begun to think her luck was staring to change from bad to good. She had finally formed a close and loving bond with her mother and was starting to fall for Justin. However, no good feeling lasts forever. Her mother ends up dying suddenly one night and again she's left devastated.

Her death affects everyone because everyone in town knew her. Bernice didn't know how to take all the pain in her life she was dealing with, and it was becoming too difficult for her to grasp. At the funeral for her grandmother, she notices her father and wrongly thinks he's come back for her. However, her father is not there for that reason, he's actually there to give Birdee their divorce papers. Bernice don't seem to understand, so she quickly runs upstairs and packs her bags and runs to her father in his car.

Bill breaks her heart by telling her she needs to stay with her mom because he needs to give all his time to hiss new relationship. In the end of this movie, Birdee stops dreading her lost marriage and decides to try to move on and start a new relationship with Justin in Smithville. Her daughter also begins to get her life on track as well. Bernice agrees to give him a chance, and also starts to like Justin. She also realizes that her father will always love her, but what's best for her is to stay with her mother, because they both need each other.

This was a very good movie to watch. It was a very good movie, however, it was kind of sad as well. It was put together very well and played out in a way that we see Birdee as a real person you could relate to. You saw Birdee's life fall and shift and after it all you could sympathize with her. She had to go through a lot to learn about herself, just like we do. She used to try and be everything that the town wanted her to be, and thought of her to be.

She thinks that this is one of the reasons why Bill left her. She couldn't do and didn't know what Bill wanted her to be. She doesn't blame anyone else for the end of the marriage except herself. If she could only change and be what Bill wanted, then perhaps her marriage wouldn't have ended. Eventually she learns that being who everyone one else wants you to be is no good. I really did enjoy watching this movie.

It showed me how in one moment your life can be changed from nice and pleasant, from bad and disrupted. It did a good job in showing how hard it is to get over after something horrific happens in your life but that if you give it time, it almost always will. Birdee had a lot of trials and triumphs in her life but she over came them and became a stronger person because of everything. While I was watching this movie, I was wondering how I would react if something like that happened to me. It would be hard enough in any situation but if you " re a person like Birdee and who depended on guys for so long and then to just lose them, it would be so hard, because you wouldn't know what to do with your self. It would be so easy to just give up forever.

You would have nothing left to live for; all meaning would be gone, especially when you have to move back to a town where you labeled perfect to everyone there. Now they have to see you depressed and not looking so good. On top of that everyone in the town saw her on TV. getting her heartbroken. That would be so bad, I can't imagine how that would feel, she was probably embarrassed that everyone knew about it. She showed an enormous amount of strength and courage to be able to pick herself up and dust herself off. I respect her for that and would like to think that if that would ever happen to me that I would have the strength and power to keep going and not give up just like her.

I think this is a powerful message to women. It is telling us never give up and keep a positive attitude, because you can do want ever you set your mind to it. I learned lot from this movie, and one thing I remember is that the beginnings are sometimes scary, endings are usually sad, but it's the middle that counts most. That is true for a lot of things just in everyday life. I believe that I learn a lot from this movie and I would suggest anyone to see it. Just remember, when your life goes off track, you have to remember never give up and throw in the towel.

It will get better, you need to realize that your life will not go back exactly the same, but everything changes. I also learned that everything will be ok, just give it time and faith.