Bad Decisions Managers example essay topic

473 words
The author, Rick Helliwell, is analyzing the way managers are being hired by companies today. He thinks the recruiter should utilize more effectively on how he / she makes decisions in the interviewing process. The following are some elements he uses to describe his point of thought. In his article, Helliwell (2000) gives his thought on how to be a successful leader. "Without exception, leadership skills and critical decision making ability are arguably the two core competencies which distinguish the truly successful business leaders" (para. 2).

My perception of what he is giving is that the modern day manager has to be able to make decisions faster and lead his staff in the right direction to be successful. This information is, in my opinion, very realistic. I have worked with managers that have no idea on how to make proper decisions, and their people skills are insufficient. On the other hand, I have worked with managers that seem to know how to handle the different situations that are thrown at them. The assumption I received from his article is if a manager makes an incorrect decision, the company will automatically suffer an assortment of down falls. For example, Helliwell (2000) stated, "the wrong decisions can lead to loss of productivity, customers, and staff motivations.

Resulting in profit loss, falling shareholders returns, negative cultural factors, and very likely a loss of key executives to competitors" (para. 1). He makes you believe that all bad decisions managers make will cause the company to go under. I have to disagree with Mr. Helliwell on this one. Managers are people, and they do make mistakes, but the majority of companies go on. I do believe in the importance of managers having the skills to make quick decisions.

Plus, the way he / she uses the thinking process to make the right choices for their companies. I know events change everyday, and managers need to recognize those changes to properly make the right decisions. His emotions are strong towards the thinking process that middle and upper management should have at all times. The logic that supports his emotions suggest that the most critical element a manager should possess is the decision making process.

If every manager from top to bottom are not consistent, and make high percentage of bad choices, the company could fail. In summary, to be a quality manager in today's business world, one must have the ability to make the critical decision quickly, and have exceptional leadership skills. Mr. Helliwell (2002) offers ways to help find the right managers for the job; "intense interviews, problem solving questionnaires, check references, and ask questions to see how they react" (para 14 & 17).


Helliwell, R. (2000).
How to differentiate top business leaders and organizations of tomorrow. New Zealand Management, 47 (6), 44. Retrieved September 9, 2003, from Master File Premier database.