Bailey A Good Man example essay topic

310 words
A Good Man Is Hard To Find by Flannery O Connor was quite strange. At first, the story began slowly with many details, and suddenly the story changed completely. Although, I didn t exactly understand what the man meant when he said, She would have been a good woman if it had been somebody there to shoot her every minute of her life. However, after I read the story, I recognized several ironies, that occurred before the trip, just before the murders, and during the murders. Before the family began their trip, the grandmother mentioned, The Misfit, to her son and informed him of the direction the criminal was headed.

The next day their paths crossed. Coincidentally, before their trip she pinned a purple spray of cloth violets on her clothes in case of an accident later that day they had an accident. Another irony that occurred in this story was the way The Misfit treated the grandmother. After Bailey snapped a rude remark to his own mother, The Misfit somewhat tried to comfort the grandmother! It was ironic that a man on the verge of murdering an entire family could be so respectful.

Finally, the last irony was bizarre when The Misfit asked the mother, would you and that little girl like to join your husband? Her response was yes, thank you. He wasn t offering her a cup of coffee; he was offering her death! The story seemed to point out a question to the reader What makes a good man? Was Bailey a good man? He didn t have much patience for his mother or children.

Was Red Sammy a good man? He didn t speak to his wife very respectfully. Who's to decide who a good man is?