Balance Relationship example essay topic

305 words
Marriage Traits I recently read a paper written by Anne Roi phe about marriage. The paper was written about forces leading to marital breakups. During and mostly at the end of the paper she hinted to some of the traits that could help avoid these forces. These traits and others are what define a marriages and I will be writing about. The traits that I believe to be the most important are communication, sharing, providing, compromising, and very importantly trust. Most of these start at the begging of any relationship.

Some of them are linked together and you need them to make a healthy relationship. A relationship stars with communication a form of sharing. Sharing can be many things from possessions to ideas and feelings. Also trust starts to form which always should be earned and given over time. Thrust can be fragile and easily broken. Providing is similar to sharing it needs to go both ways.

Providing should be than just money and possessions. As the relation ship progresses small compromises might be needed for example you see a boring move so you can spend time with each other. Compromises can be mutually beneficial and help balance a relationship. Most importantly they should always be equal between one another. There are many different levels, degrees, and forms of communication.

It is the only way a relationship will start and continue. Communication is used every day and it is the communication of ones feeling, ideas, dreams, need, and wants which is important. It is letting each other know what is important to one other. This gives the other a chance to provide it. This will lead to a stronger, healthier and more balance relationship.