Battle Gates The Americans General example essay topic

312 words
1) British Capture Philadelphia. George Washington was a very impatient man... George Washington and his troops camped at Brandywine Creek... At 10: 30 on September 11 they began battle again...

At 4: 30 General How started battle with the Americans. In the end the Americans were over-powered... September 26, 1777 Philadelphia occupied by the British... In October the Americans descended on the British in Germantown 2) British Defeat at Saratoga. By dusk Burgoyne held the field but lost one third of his men... The Americans made a fire that lasted for days...

Benedict Arnold did not get along with General Gates... Benedict was shot off his horse and then shot in the leg... In the next few days they tried to get Burgoyne... Benedict finally did the unexpected and surrendered his army 3) Valley Forge. The Americans traveled through snow and some men were missing shoes and other clothing...

They whipped soldiers to punish them... In Baron Von Stuben showed up to join George Washington... Von Stuben was promised to major general... The men with George Washington had diseases and died in camp and deserted. 4) Britain invades the South. Some people were benefiting from the war...

In 1779 it was already the 5th year of the war... Everything grew in price, the prices of horses raised to $20,000... 5,400 Americans including Lincoln were taken as prisoners, half of them died... In the end more patriots died in Britain prisons than in battle...

After 20 minutes in the next battle of Canton two fifths of the Americans ran away... Outnumbered three to one they kept battling... After this battle Gates the Americans general ran away and traveled 180 miles in three and a half days.