Beasts Of England From Animal Farm example essay topic

435 words
"Beasts Of England' From Animal Farm Essay", Beasts Of England' From Animal Farm "The Beasts of England' is all about animals coming together and joining each other for a common cause. The cause is revolting, taking over mankind, and overruling the humans. At first, Mr. Jones and the farmers pay no mind to the singing. Slowly, they start becoming a bit worried, but don't show it. Finally, after the animals run Mr. Jones out of his own farm and create animal farm, they really start to get worried.

They never realized that all the animals could join together so quickly. The Farmers never knew the lyrics and the tune to the song could spread so fast. The thought of all the animals gathering together and revolting was frightening to the farmers. The music I listen to that scares and really freaks people out is Punk Rock and Ska.

When people see a punk rocker walking down the street, they can't help but stare and move to the other side of the road. Not only does the appearance of the music scare people, but also so does the music. "Late at night, so silently, I creep on over to the mortuary. I lift up the plastic and fiddle with the dead, their cold blue flesh makes me turn red!' are lyrics by T.S.O.L., an underground punk band. I could quote more of that song, but I would probably get in-house. That's only punk.

Ska, on the other hand, is a completely different story. It's different. It's a change. People these days are afraid of change. They want everything to remain the same and keep rock and roll alive. The threat of new music that they can't understand is too hard for them to handle.

Music with a more complicated beat than just plain old guitar, drums, and vocals is too much for them. Getting back to the subject, I think there is no way of comparing the two kinds of music. People are scared by each of the songs for completely different reasons. The first song, "Beasts of England', terrified people because it threatened to harm and / or kill the humans. The second type of music, my music, scared people because it is sick, twisted, deranged, repulsive, offensive, grotesque, out of the ordinary, different, and is something that people are not used to.

So basically, I don't know see anything alike between the two except that they scare people..