Beautiful Person example essay topic

875 words
Extreme Beauty What makes a person beautiful or attractive? Although once it was said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, it seems that now society has created a checklist of must haves to even be considered beautiful. According to a survey taken by Discover Magazine most people stated that the ideal female was 5'7 and 125 pounds and the ideal male 6'1 and 160 pounds. With all of today's pressures to look gorgeous and handsome it is no wonder that plastic surgery has become the new craze of the twenty-first century. The TV shows "Extreme Makeover" enables people that have never been able to measure up to societies standards experience beauty and the confidence that comes with it. This show reveals how willing people are to completely change their image in order to be thought of as beautiful or attractive.

I believe that this generation is growing up in a much more appearance conscious way. We value glamour and good looks immensely, and like the contestants on "Extreme Makeover" we believe that being beautiful has the power to solve many of our problems. In America, about 15 percent of adults and children are overweight. Even though there are many ways to lose this weight, after a certain point it seems that some people tend to give up or "let go". This used to be the only option, until a few years ago cosmetic procedures like liposuction and gastric bypass surgery became popular and widely used. Now, if a person feels self-conscious about their weight, if they have the means, visiting a surgeon can solve all of their problems, and in a few months they will have the body that they dreamed of.

I think that although this is an amazing breakthrough in science, it Cain 2 causes large numbers of people to become more lethargic with their lifestyles. Caroline, from "Extreme makeover" describes how hard dealing with weight can be, and how losing it with exercise is not as easy as it looks. We are living under the knowledge that a surgeon can solve all of our problems if it comes to that, I think that this has made our society much lazier than past generations. Every person that has gone on the "Extreme Makeover" show so far has had some type of liposuction.

This was graphically displayed in episodes where Caroline received a tummy tuck, and Dan received liposuction to his chest and his cheeks. I think that this also shows the reality of Americas weight problem, and how lackadaisical we have become about solving these problems without the help of a surgeon. The first thing a person remembers when they think about someone is most likely their face. Our society has become very shallow and judgmental, and because we know that our face usually makes the biggest impression, many people have suddenly become determined to change the face that they were given at birth.

A person on "Extreme Makeover" usually has about 3-5 procedures done on their face alone. I think that this says a great deal about our society. The fact that we can now fix all of our imperfections with a 12 hour surgery session infatuates us, and more and more people are starting to undergo these procedures. I believe that times have changed greatly, although beauty has always been valued, we as a society have taken it to a whole new level.

With all of the new types of plastic surgery around it is no wonder that in some cases the sky is the limit to what one person can do to their appearance. At the end of "Extreme Makeover" it makes me very happy to see how delighted Cain 3 These newly transformed people are. They have a new found confidence and zeal that they never realized they could have. All of the people on "Extreme Makeover" express that they just want to "fit in" and "be accepted".

Now that they have this new look, they will probably live the rest of their lives wondering if they might be treated differently if they looked the way they did originally. The fact that we are now growing up in a society where people can treat you differently just because of the way you look upsets me greatly. "Extreme Makeover" illustrates to us how so many people in this world are extremely self-conscious. I think that our society has created many miserable people who feel like they will never measure up to the standards of what we think makes a beautiful person.

Even though 13 billion women do not have the body of a supermodel, they are constantly striving to be like the few that do. I personally think that there are many types of beauty, and that it's not something that can be categorized or made into a list. If only more people in our society could see that the importance of life consists of a persons accomplishments, and the impact they make on the world, not how beautiful or attractive they are.