Being A Mother And A Wife example essay topic

687 words
Should Women Stay at Home and Look After their Children Rather than Go Out to Work? In the modern world, there is a constant competition between men and women. When small kids, boys and girls already compete with each other: who is quicker, cleverer, who will get a better mark at school, who will be the first in a game. From their first steps and throughout their whole lives, many women try to prove that they are no worse than men, either mentally or physically. Girls often study better at school and university, because they are more diligent and orderly and, what is more important, more ambitious than boys. Girls do not want by any means to yield boys, to be overtaken by them in any activity, even in such 'typically male's ub jects as Physics or Mathematics.

Women compete with men for getting a good job, a promotion, for making it to the top in their profession. Essay Bibliography (leave it blank if you don't have one): If you agree to all of And then suddenly comes a day when this race ends. That is the day that a girl agrees to a man's proposal to become his wife. The end of hopes, ambitions and self? development. The woman buries her personal gifts and interests and has to stay at home and live the life of her husband and children, while her former group mates and colleagues get more and more highly-paid jobs and acquire more and more prestigious positions. That is the way many girls see the prospect of becoming a wife and a mother.

But I must say I see it in quite differently. To my mind, the wife and the mother are the two principal roles of woman, performing which she fulfils the two great tasks given to her by nature or G-d. There is nothing more important, nothing so full of sense and beauty than being a mother and a wife. No work or career or money can take the place of a family for a woman, because a family is what she was created for, it is where she can most fully realize herself and where she feels truly happy. Fighting for their rights and trying to be equal to men in everything, feminists refuse to take the luxury and the responsibility of being a woman, to recognize a woman's specific tasks. Emancipated women become presidents and climb the Himalayas, but they are unhappy, and even unhappier are their husbands and children, if there are any.

Because a home without a woman is neglected and comfortless, cold and miserable. At the same time, there is no happiness for a woman bigger than that of cooking dinner for the man she loves, helping her child get ready with his or her homework for the next day at school, being beside her children when they make their first achievements or meet their first difficulties. A woman is in the house to make it a home, to fill it with warmth and harmony. Of course if the situation demands a woman has to work.

Also, she may work if she has the desire, time and energy to combine her primary family duties and some business of her own. But she has already fulfilled her destination only by being a loving wife and a caring mother. Criticizing feminists, I cannot but admit that in fact they have made a very important achievement: they obtained for women the right to chose. I do not censure those women who have chosen to be strong, independent and self-reliant.

But I dare to think that they cheat themselves when saying that they are happy in their choice. Going against nature a woman lacks harmony with herself and the world around her. While it is all as simple as that: let yourself be a woman, that is let yourself be what you are, and you will find sense and joy in it.