Better Mass Production Of The Movies example essay topic

302 words
before hollywood, the most powerful and interested motion picture developers tried to merge together in order to create maximum profit and monopolise the up and coming industry. This was known as the motion pictures patents company (1908) But the company failed. Why? It was thought that they had concentrated too much on the production side of film-making. Until 1903, film makers would sell prints straight to exhibitors who might then travel around America putting on tent shows, therefore only needing one set of prints. This was all well and good, but times were changing quickly and the ever increasing permanent movie theatres needed a better, more elaborate system of distributors.

Film exchanges meant exhibitors could now rent movies to supply the growing audiences with a wider variety, increasing the popularity of the movie theatres. Dedicated motion picture theirs then "took off", the first became known as 'Nickelodeons' (because they usually cost a nickel to get in) 'films' at the time were black and white, silent and often based on real events than stories, for example 'The great train rpbbery' (1903). During the 1910's companies began to develop better mass production of the movies. THey had to do this because of the movies. They had to do this because the movies themselves were now mass produced in specially built studios in los angeles. After the dangerous war, WWI ended dramatically in 1918, 'first national pictures' (the largest exhibition consortium) began producing movies.

THey signed major silent movie star 'Charlie Chaplin'. Other companies also began, such as Metro pictures, fox opened their first studio and douglas fairbanks was the top box office star of the time. Popular movies were old wives for new and male and female- true heart susie.