Big Role In The U.S. Need example essay topic

803 words
Imperialism DB Throughout American History the U.S. has sought to expand its boundaries. This need increased greatly during the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century with the start of the industrial revolution. This Expansion was a big departure from earlier attempts to expand the boundaries of the U.S. The needed for Natural resources forced the U. S to look for places that could supply them with the natural resources they needed and markets where they could sell their goods in. The need to imperialize caused the U.S. to look to foreign places to gain resources to better the nations industries. In Early American History the U.S. economy was based on agriculture.

This Meant the U.S. did not need Natural resources for factories. Still the U.S. was gaining land. This was called Manifest Destiny and only sought to get the entire North American Continent. The never got the land to gain natural resources for and industrial society. They also did not go about gaining the land by force. Much of the Land the U.S. gained in its infancy was purchased peacefully.

Some examples of this were the Louisiana Purchase, The Gadsden Purchase, and the Oregon Purchase. The only reason the U.S. looked to gain these lands was for ports to benefit farmers who needed to ship their goods not for industrial needs. We were not in search of foreign markets to sell our goods so the U.S. never left the North American continent to search for land. So the imperialism of the late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth century was a big Departure from the U.S. expanding it boarders in the early and mid 1800's. Throughout the world in the 1880's there was a large need for countries to gain places where they could get natural resources. Almost every Western European Nation was in need to imperialize.

Examples of this were the scramble for Africa, and the spheres of influence. The cartoonist Thomas Nast depicts this in his cartoon "The worlds plunder" which appeared in Harper's weekly in 1885. America's need to I imperialize was similar to that of Europe. The way the U.S. went about gaining markets was no different then what they had done before to gain land. The U.S. looked to fighting to gain land and when they saw the Cubans wanted independence from Spain the U.S. looked to help Cuba to get land in return. Throughout the war there was yellow journalism to gain support from the American population.

Also when the USS Maine got bombed the American immediately blamed it on Spain. Years later it was found the explosion happened internally and Spain couldn't have bombed it. The U.S. easily defeats Spain and in return for helping Cuba the U.S. gained Puerto Rico, The Philippines, and Guam. After Cuba Got there independence the U.S. wanted to keep their influence in Cuba so they passed the Platt amendment which made Cuba a protectorate and gave the U.S. a naval Base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. It also would not let Cuba Make a treaty Without The U.S. The U.S. Justifies their actions for helping Cuba and gaining countries by saying that the U.S. was stabilizing the country both economically and socially. Teddy Roosevelt explains this in his annual message to congress on Dec. 6 1904.

He calls this a splendid war and he lets his support of imperialism widely known. This Shows that the us attempts to gain land were no different During the Spanish American war than they were During the Mexican war where the U.S. gained California and other land by taking it by force. Many people like Alfred T. Man han saw it necessary for the U.S. to imperialize to gain Naval ports in other countries. Others Like Joshua Strong Who Wrote our Country "Its Present and Future Crisis" Thought It was the Anglo Saxons destiny to imperialize and take over the world. Others like the Platform of American anti imperialist called U.S. Gaining Cuba Criminal aggression and thought it anti Democracy. During the Late Nineteenth Century and Early Twentieth Century The world was imperializing.

The U.S. was no exception. But this was very different than U.S. Attempts to Gain land During the Early and mid 1800's. The need for Natural resources played a big role in the U.S. need to expand. The U.S. need for power caused them to expand and forget how this country was founded on an agricultural economy, which had no need to gain foreign land.

So this show how it was a big departure for the U.S. to look for land in foreign lands..