Bill Gates The Founder Of Microsoft example essay topic

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Does Microsoft Have Too Much Power? Initially, there is nothing. Then, there is Bill Gates the founder of Microsoft. Once a young, eager teenager running a small business of other teenagers, now the richest man in the world controlling an operating system practically every IBM compatible computer in the world uses.

Computers are not the only thing that Microsoft desires. Now, they wish to influence the Internet. With all the opportunities that it offers, many companies race to develop software to get people and businesses on the Internet. Many dislike the power Microsoft has come to possess and might gain more of, but is there anything anybody can do? IBM has taken on the leader of software with an innovative new operating system known as OS/2, but will they have a chance? Microsoft may be unstoppable with its foundation, influence and power but is that enough to practically own the computerized world as we know it?

Usually, when we mention Microsoft in any form, we must have the registered trademark symbol right the word. The name is a well-known word in virtually everyone's life. Although it is the super-empire it is today, Microsoft was once a small software business ran by a young Bill Gates in a tiny office. Consisting of a few young adults, they were not progressing as much as they would like too.

Their competitor, Digital Research, created the first operating system, known as the CP / M-86 system. Though, not glamorized, CP / M did exist. Their competitors had it a little worse, working out of their not so tidy two story house, made up of a husband and wife. The massive change occurred when a couple of IBM representatives showed up at the door of the CP / M founders only to be turned away. Very rare to happen, since IBM was so highly respected by programmers at the time. IBM is introduced to a young man named Bill Gates, mistaken for an office helper but later strikes a serious offer for Microsoft products.

The one program that was unavailable at the time would be an operating system soon to be called DOS, a raw form of the Disk Operating System we know today. When called upon by IBM, Bill Gates discovers that a man had created an operating system to be pre-installed with the new IBM, scheduled to be released in 1981. The operating system would be similar to the CP / M-86 system created by Digital Research. The deal will make Bill Gates the wealthiest man in the United States, with an estimated worth of over thirteen billion dollars. Today, The Microsoft Cooperation is the worlds most lucrative software empire and yet still has dreams for the future. Computers today are very popular among homeowners, businesses and schools.

Microsoft began to suffice to the population by creating user-friendly programs such as the ever popular Windows. This graphical interface served as abridge to the computer illiterate and then began the reign of Microsoft over the population. Untouched by wrath of Microsoft would later be a small minority of UNIX users and other DOS like programs. Various programs were made just for Windows which of course ran in DOS.

OS/2 at this point was already made, not well known and not very popular. Ironically, Bill Gates worked closely with IBM in 1983, to help develop OS/2, even conceding to IBM that their OS/2 would one day overtake Microsoft's own attempt at a graphical interface, Windows. However, Windows advanced in its versions and graphics capabilities as well as DOS. In 1995, Microsoft announces its new creation which will revolutionize computers everywhere. Windows 95 is introduced as a powerful operating system, with an astounding graphical and user-friendly interface. Although, the of the Apple Macintosh operating system and OS/2 led to small market acceptance, and Windows and DOS become the world leading Personal Computer operating systems.

The message Microsoft is trying to send to consumers is simple: 'Windows 95 is it, if you don't use it, buy it, if your computer can " true it, replace it. ' At present time, Microsoft has furthers its shadowy terrains toward Windows 97 which includes some minor adjustments such as faster loading capabilities along with better Internet / TCP/IP components. Along with the Windows Empire, Microsoft is moving towards the Internet. There are currently two competitors fighting for control of this vast information network, Microsoft and Netscape. By controlling the Internet, a cooperation would have to seize control of all Browsing, server, client programs and any other application granting access of the Internet to the consumer. In most online haunts, supporters and users of niche products like OS/2, Macintosh and all other competitive operating systems are drowned out by jeering proponents of Windows.

In its hopes to try to succumb users, Microsoft has stated that Microsoft Explorer is free for the taking. Netscape Navigator is free for a trial period at which users will have to lighten their wallets if they wish to use the browser further. The future may not look bright for the Internet if Microsoft takes command. Microsoft is definitely the software empire of the 20th century.

The question is, should they have that much power? This will take time in order to see the answer. Having a history of power and business intuition, Microsoft may never be defeated. Advancements in the last ten years alone have been remarkable, to think how far we will be in the next decade is a pondering thought. Will Microsoft still be the software giant it is today or will somebody take its place? Ventures of business can easily be described as unpredictable.

Although, users may have to ask themselves this one question, does Microsoft have the power to monopolize the computerized generation?