Building 797 Engine Control Center example essay topic

300 words
As an Supply Specialist I called and faxed various companies to get price quotes. Responsibilities includes ordering, typing up PMOs and Apa des and other technical functions using Windows NT Quick ware Mapper) A BOM, Transactor, and Open Tip. I also use Fed log, and Haystack to get N SNs, price, cog, dollar amount and Source of Supply. I expedite by use of logging on to WEB CATS D SCR DLA to check status of outstanding Requisition orders and the availability for various customers. I have twenty years of experience in the U.S. navy as a customer service AK. I have worked at NADEP Jax for three years and I have knowledge of production processes used in the aircraft, components, and engine programs.

I have utilize the MRP II programs, which I received training for processing all types of rework programs utilized within the NADEP. I am knowledgeable of computer software systems such as Microsoft Office, Mapper and other related software used for MDR'S and F / E completion reports, WCS, workload control system, NIMS, NIMS, inquiry functions. As a supply specialist I have worked at NAS Jax since 1997, within the Aircraft, and components repair facility. I have worked in control centers building 795 fuel control center, building 797 engine control center, building 794 cleaning facility, building 844 welding shop, building 101 ejection seat center, flight control work center and rotating electric control center supporting cognizant production controllers on a daily basis in the processing, routing, and ordering of materials for component repair programs within Nadep Jax. I am Knowledgeable of the Aircraft, engine and component rework and repair programs.

And have the ability to review sketches and blueprints to identify the necessity of required parts and materials.