Business Core Courses From Colorado Mountain College example essay topic
With all the positions to choose from, many people have a difficult time deciding which career path to take. Business / Management has many areas of profession that anyone can accomplish. Self-employment is about being in control of one's life. She is her own boss, and she gets all the benefits that she works for. When working for someone else, one's financial and personal future is restricted. Most people who become wealthy are self-employed.
Today, one can work from nearly anywhere. There is always the concern of getting enough business. The most secure job may be to own one's own business. One must always keep marketing, or things could begin to drop. If one does not have a sufficient amount of customers to fall back on, one will not be able to continue her business (Wendy Johnston). Marketing plays an important part in successful business undertakings.
The way one markets one's business will determine one's level of success or failure. The major factor to successful marketing is to know the customers. They are the ones to determine whether one stays in business. Look for ways to gather as much insight and suggestions from customers in positive situations. Ask for their advice, problems, and insights (Bettermanagement. com Library). Pricing is difficult for one who works on its own, because they cannot locate the price of their experience and ability.
A good cash flow is at the center of the business financial process and is important for one's business survival. Using a spreadsheet or purchasing a simple budgeting program will work just fine (ColoradoSBDC. com). One should go out and shop, comparing similar products to theirs, to see what the prices are like. There are also industry standards that will give guidelines (Wendy Johnston). Some pricing strategies are retail cost and pricing, competitive position, pricing below competition, and price lining.
The solution to success is having a well-planned strategy, establishing policies, and to frequently observe prices and operating costs to guarantee profits (SBA-Starting your Business-Business Plans). Publicizing and supporting one's goods and services could create or destroy one's business. Having a good product or service and not advertising it is like not having a business at all (SBA-Starting your Business-Business Plans). Advertising and sponsorships are the links of having a good business. Developing brief, easy-to-read text information that visibly recognizes one's goods or services, its location and price, is a great way to attract customers. A business card represents people and their company (Abrams).
Managing a business involves a lot more than just having the interest of being one's own boss. It commands loyalty, diligence, the ability to make decisions, and the ability to manage both employees and finances. The management plan, next to marketing and financial plans, establishes the source for, and helps the success of, the business. Self-management is sometimes hard. Keeping a schedule and setting main concerns can be a problem. Straightening out work and home life involves plenty of self-discipline (Inc magazine).
By producing rapid sales, there are some strategies one will need to employ. One will need to use customer-oriented selling plans, by discussing what the customer wants to purchase. By taking what the customer wants, one will then use these aspects in the location that will manage these effects. The next phase advisees a customer action plan, by agreeing that using one's product or service will obtain what customers want. It takes profit margins. At the end of the day, it has got to cost less to create one's merchandise or service than one is able to charge (Jenkins).
It takes more than an idea to construct and control a continuing business. To survive for a long time, one must produce something: a creation, advantage, information, or activity. Learn what is the right business for one, and stick to what one knows best. Doing what one loves can lead to a very enjoyable life (Abrams).
Starting one's own nightclub is an example of what could be one's passion of occupation. Nightclubs are produced with passion, personality, conceit, and vanity. Friends, experts, and guides cannot help one in this area. A nightclub requires significantly more intellectual resources.
It is recommended that one should spend time working in a nightclub, rather than learning about lights, booze, or counting money. Having a strong connection with the people, and knowing how the nightclub entertainment marketplace works, will be one's best venture. The only way to understand nightclubs is to experience them. Nightclub enjoyment is more of a foundation than easy day-by-day process (NightclubBiz. com). Dance music based nightclubs have been around for about twenty years.
Amazing their listeners with energetic lights, sound, and music, these places are still one of the highest cash flow businesses in the world. Unlike the 9-5 arrangements, the average dance club is open from 9: 00 PM to 3: 00 AM. During these six hours, clubs will normally achieve overall profits of $5,000, upward to $75,000 nightly, and are encouraged by high amounts of traffic. Of course, to develop this beneficial market, it is not as easy as just opening a room, and playing music. Hard working marketing research, as well as whom and what one's probable market will be, are essentials to the success of these locations.
Careful thought should be devoted to a variety of different aspects such as location, illustration detail, and existing struggles of the approaching market place (Guide to starting a nightclub). Exciting nightly, weekly, and monthly promotions should be engaged to fire up the interest of the new club. Promotions could include trip giveaways, interactive contests, and occasional live entertainment. One area that many nightclubs fail to deploy is creating an atmosphere which creates positive settings for people to interact and meet. This happens for the reason that it is often "understood" that a nightclub by itself will create this atmosphere, however that is not even close.
The approach to creating a proud income is reliant upon the nightclub's ability to "make it easy" for people to interact (Guide to starting a nightclub). Continuing association with the community is also a main part of one's general marketing plan. Special events should be held in order to establish a constructive appeal within the community. The nearby contact to major shopping malls, restaurants, and a busy incoming highway will offer great additional publicity to the club during daytime hours. Maintaining a busy schedule and high profile will leave one's club as the leading method of entertainment of their local area (Guide to starting a nightclub). What one wants to understand is the business itself.
One should have a good idea of what is coming in and what is going out. One should keep a superior watch on payroll, payouts, beer orders, and liquor inventory. There are not a bunch of organizational issues to deal with in a nightclub. One's beginning basics are liquor, cash systems, and payroll. The Business one needs to know is called the nightclub business itself, and it has little to do with knowing accounting, or cash systems. The real letdown is that many get the idea that if they take a college business course, they are off to a good start.
The "real business" issues are getting a feel of one's marketplace, comprehending people, building, inspiring, and running a strong team of staff, knowing how to get them partying (once they are in), seeing how to persuade them to 'buy", knowing how to make sure they are back next weekend, and once one gets an impressive party title, knowing how to keep it durable (100 nightclub operation articles). A proper education always helps, but it cannot prepare one for the large amount of topics, which will appear from every viewpoint possible in a nightclub procedure. It is important to understand the general knowledge of business, but in order to have a business to manage; one must understand the skill of running a nightclub. What happens in one nightclub will not essentially happen in another. The real delight comes from obtaining the sharp ability to understand the likes of people, trends, and attitudes, which will change from one market to the next.
The important word here is "anticipate". There is not much one can do when her brand new club has failed to maintain public interest after half a year into the profession. One should work in a nightclub, if not many nightclubs, before taking the big dive into owning and operating one. In order for one to know anything about business, one should attend college to get a better understanding (100 nightclub operation articles). Colorado Mountain College has established a responsibility program that reviews the learning of all degree-seeking students at the time they declare a degree (mtn. ).
The Colorado Business Core permits the student to take lower-division business requirements at Colorado Mountain College, and then transport those courses to suit the same requirements for business degree programs at Colorado's public baccalaureate degree granting institutions. This is important within the Associate in Arts degree. Colorado's public colleges and universities have adopted a common core of 33 credits in business, computing, and economics, which are accepted in transfer to all public institutions, except the University of Northern Colorado and the University of Colorado at Boulder and Colorado Springs. With these releases, business core courses from Colorado Mountain College will complete the same lower-division requirements for business degree programs at Colorado's public baccalaureate degree granting institutions. The Colorado Business Core is part of the Associate in Arts degree with Business Emphasis. It is also part of more than a few occupational degrees and certificates (Colorado Mountain College Arts & Sciences).
The benefits within the Colorado Core Transfer Curriculum are intended to motivate students to think deeply, openly, and reasonably about a selection of human questions. These benefits give a fair, general based program that will require students to expand critical thinking and problem-solving skills, to examine, fuse, and communicate information, and to use knowledge and technology skillfully and sensibly. The core helps students develop skills in self-satisfaction, oral and written communication, numerical calculations, and analysis to help them achieve personal individualism. It also helps students develop skills in leadership and in-group liveliness. The core increases the students' knowledge of the importance of physical and environmental well-being to help them accomplish their position as citizens within a limitless and altering society (Colorado Mountain College Arts & Sciences). Services are offered to meet one's special needs and will help one meet one's educational goals.
Some support will be note taking, oral testing, editing of written work, interpreting, books on tape, tutoring, and extended testing time. Special equipment may be given upon demand. One must have a record of their disability to be eligible for the services. With these adjustments, one must meet the academic standards (Colorado Mountain College Services for our students). Colorado Mountain College has designed the Developmental Education Program to examine one's academic deeds. One will be tested in math, reading, writing, and study skills at the beginning of the first semester.
If one does not meet the capability levels established by the college, one will have to take the developmental courses that will give one the needed skills to succeed in college. Because of small classes, one will gain from the individual notice of instructors. Through the Placement and Assessment Program, one will be placed in classes that match one's skill (Colorado Mountain College Services for our students). At the College of Charleston, the faculty in the Department of Management and Marketing are as varied as the courses they teach.
They correspond to fields such as Entrepreneurship, International Business, Management Information Systems, Production / Operations, Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, Hospitality and Tourism, Intermodal Transportation and Logistics, Business Statistics, Advertising and Public Relations, along with a variety of courses in Management and Marketing. They credit themselves in their teaching course and their strong career base uniting doctorates in various areas of business from around the world as well as active professional development (Management and Marketing College of Charleston). Long before one exits the gate, one has to ask themselves what they want out of a job. For some, the right job might mean a steady paycheck and minimum frustration, while for others it may be a rigorous and challenging first step toward a life-long career.
Honesty is crucial at this point in time; anyone who is not fully honest with him / herself entering into the job search process, or who is overly concerned with the opinion of others, is bound to end up unhappy. "100 nightclub operation articles". NightclubBiz. com 26 Feb. 2002. Abrams, Rhonda.
Small business planning tips, secrets, from Rhonda Abrams. 28 Feb. 2002. BetterManagement. com Library. 20 Feb. 2002... College of Charleston. Charleston: n. p., 2001.
Colorado Mountain College Arts & Sciences. 22 Feb. 2002. Colorado Mountain College Services for our students. 31 Jan. 2002.
ColoradoSBDC. com-Steps to Cash Flow Management. 27 Feb. 2002. "Guide to starting a nightclub-By Nightclub Biz. com". NightclubBiz. com 25 Feb. 2002. "inc magazine online, small business resources, and business advice at inc. com". inc magazine 7 Mar. 2000.28 Feb 2002.
Jenkins, Michael D. Starting and Operating a Business in the U.S. : National Edition. Los Angeles: Abrams, 1999. Johnston, Wendy. Personal interview.
21 Feb. 2002. Management and Marketing College of Charleston. 28 Feb. 2002. mtn. Glenwood Springs: Colorado Mountain College, 2000. SBA-Starting Your Business-Business Plans. 21 Feb. 2002.