Cadillac Motor Car Co example essay topic

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Since Automobiles have been around they have been changed due to the technology. I will take you through most of the changes from the first vehicle until today. Technology runs parallel to the production of cars. This is true from the design of the engine to body style to type of tires and more. One of the first automobiles is a steam powered tractor to carry an artillery gun. This was made in 1769 by Nicholas-Joseph Cug not and could only go two miles an hour.

Soon after it was wreaked and considered the first automobile accident. In 1789 the first U.S. patent was to Oliver Evans on a steam-powered land vehicle. In 1801 another steam carriage was built and blew up after 4 days due to letting the boiler go dry. George S eldon filed for his patent on a "road engine". This was a new internal combustion engine which was left pending for 15 years. It was then issued in 1895.

In 1895 France and Germany were ahead in technology. This let them sell cars through catalogues. Cars were considered common on the streets of Paris. Right behind there technology was the U.S. In Springfield Massachutices two bicycle mechanics started the first automobile manufacture. George Selden, a patient lawyer saw the technology growing and put a patient on the automobile.

Shortly after it was ruled a Marcotte 2 monopoly. Henry Ford began producing cars and broke the monopoly. In 1898 there were fewer than 30 firms making vehicles in the U.S. In 1899 technology was advancing and so was the auto industry. There were now over 8,000 vehicles in the U.S. The Packard brothers made there first model. This was a 3-speed, chain-drive with a 12 h. p. one-cylinder engine. In the 1900's technology are expanding and 1 in 9,500 Americans owned an automobile in 1900.40% of these steam powered, 38% electric, and 22% internal combustion gas engines.

At the end of 1900 there were 13,824 cars on the road. In the whole world fewer than 10,000 cars were produced. Into 1901 Ransom Olds opened the first factory producing 425 cars. There was getting to be so many vehicles they started making license plates. In 1902 at least 50 new firms began manufacturing automobiles in the U.S. In to 1903 Ford Motor Co. started. Also the first transcontinental journey was made in 65 days by Dr. Horatio Nelson Jackson.

A year after the U.S. passed France in production of automobiles becoming the largest producer. Also the Cadillac motor car Co. is created by Henry Leland. Henry Ford uses the advancing technology and set a land speed record of 91 mph. In 1905 the U.S. produced 25,000 automobiles. Also the first workable gas pump was made and Sylvanus F. Booster opened the first "filling station".

The gasoline motor was still unclear and had problems. In 1906 a new land speed record was 127 mph with a Stanley Steamer. In 1907 Ford Motor Co. was worth one million dollars. The annual U. Marcotte 3 S. output was up to 43,000.9,000 Buick's were sold in 1908 and 6,000 Fords. Buick Changed to General Motors with expected rapid growth. Fords success doubled in 1909.

In the 1910 the automobile began to change American life, and language. This year there were about 500,000 vehicles in the U.S. Ford begun to create technical machinery to help production demand. Into 1911 Henry Fords friends wife died crank-starting an automobile. This caused Henry to order 4,000 electric starters from AC Delco. In 1912 Ford Motor Co. had 3,500 dealers and produced in excess of 300,000 cars per year. By mid 1913 ford is using moving line to assemble various parts.

In 1914 had a moving assembly line and Cadillac had the first U.S. V-8 motor. The year after 2 million vehicles were in the U.S. Coming into this time is the great depression and not much technology was going on. In 1920 four-wheel hydraulic brakes came into use. In 1922 balloon tires are introduced. The year after the U.S. production passed 3.7 million units. In 1926 it came up to 4 million.

In 1935 Okalahoma City, Okalahoma became the first city to install parking meters. In 1938 the industry still suffers from depression. In 1939 GM introduces the automatic transmission. In 1945 the first beetle is produced. Three years later the introduction of the tubeless tire. In 1955 sales of automobiles reached 7 million.

Two years after Fritz Wankel from Germany produced the first rotary engine which is used in a few cars up to today. In 1964 Ford introduces the mustang to compete with Chevy's Monza. Also Studebaker and Packard ceased production. Into the late 60's into the 70's is the muscle Marcotte 4 car age with 70% of cars having v-8 motors.

In 1980 Japan turns into the biggest auto maker. The style changes again into a new group of cars. This until the 90's..