Career Job And Student example essay topic
This is the typical last sales rep you will encounter before exiting the store after your purchase. We practiced our log in hours procedure, how to scan items, accept food stamps along with coupons and finally how to cash out a customer using a credit card, debit card or a personal check. When the first day of live action came, our trainer supervised over us we tendered the customers. At the end of the five and a half hour shift, I had cleaned out my register and handed it in to the accounting office. The following day at work my supervisor had told me that I had my till accounted for exactly.
That sense of completion was motivation from there on out. I had eventually moved up in duties outside of the register. I began taking on responsibilities such as maintenance and working in the dairy department. These jobs would entitle me to stock various dairy products along with serving customers on a more personal level such as where to find an item.
Also, I began sweeping the store along with removing the returned cans to the back of the store for storage and removal. These simple tasks allowed me to work at my own pace rather then take the next customer in line so it was a great confidence booster to work harder. The preparation for these tasks in the short three months I had worked at Wegmans felt very similar to the responsibilities for having the student "job". My growth as a student has come from many learning lessons through grade school. Yet being a twenty year old young adult attending college and balancing the social life, sports activities, family and schooling is a very difficult task. The key to success in all these aspects is in freshmen seminar class.
This class was a teaching tool that allowed me to allocate time for various homework tasks along with balancing a fun social life and carrying a great grade point average. I was taught from the start that nothing was going to come easy with freedom being away from my parents. I had learned that I had to take charge of my "job" as a student first and an athlete second. I had realized that the party will always be there where on the other hand, my student "job" will not if I am not prepared.
From the summer experience, I was an independent worker. I had to work at my own pace along with a positive attitude and finish tasks on schedule before taking my lunch break or retiring for the night. This is very similar to the student "job". My leisure time comes at the cost of the amount of effort I put into my work. When all my tasks are completed, then I can go out and have fun with my friends. The two, career job and student "job", are very intertwined.
On one hand the lessons taught and work needed to be done in a work environment are similar to that of the lessons learned and work turned in being a student. Where as the student job in the long run works to gain a job in the real workforce. Both of these jobs must be done well on an independent perspective. This is because of the fact that as both a student and an employee, you must know and retain the information for yourself to complete any given task at hand. Some of the aspects of both being a student and an employee are based upon great communication skills. While working for Wegmans, I am to be available to my superior at all times while being in maintenance or while in the dairy department.
Some times the front end where the cashiers tender customers would be short handed and I would need to be available to help out. Also, as a growing person, both student and employee, I require direction. Communicating with my superior allowed myself to constantly keep busy and getting various task done. Also working out in this field allowed me to meet many customers and help them with their product needs. Because of my politeness along with my knowledge of the store, I was employee of the week twice during my time. This type of reward came from communicating with my peers and the public.
The same recognition is paid off when a student takes time to ask questions, sets up times for help with professor's and allocates enough time for personal study. These qualities are that of the student "job" description which pays off when grades come back in a positive outlook... Communication is key to learn and understand material. The importance communication is the structure of my success. After three years of being a college student I have learned that communicating with my teachers has helped my growth along with my grade point average. Communication in both of these environments has helped myself along the way to become the person I would like to be.
I feel that my skills in communication have grown over the three years of college and can only grow with more learning. I have taken public speaking classes, been open to debate and discussion and can make conversation with a stranger if need be. I feel that my only set back is maybe too much communication because being a great communicator also involves being a great listener. All of these aspects and responsibilities build off of each other and can help one another in the long run. There are very few differences but a lot of learning experiences you can take from both a student and a regular "job.".