Carl And Alice example essay topic
It hurt Hartley when Mitsy turned away from him after Zeke's death. It was only at the Japanese Remember al that he had found the courage to speak to her again. His life didn't seem to leave Broome, or go far from it anyway. The only disability in Hart's life was knowing that he had an injured leg. He appeared to limit himself and sever whatever connection he had left with the outside world. Hart took the war hard, beginning not understanding the reason of fighting the Japanese, to wondering where he stood in relation to the matter, to loathing them for the destruction and carnage that plagued his own life.
Ida: Ida a seemingly a self centered being, only worrying about herself and the fastest way back to England, though it was clear here is where it heart lay. Ida the mother of both Hartley and his sister Alice, husband to Michael. Ida although seemingly a good person wasn't use to the harsh conditions that she found herself in when she married the pearling master; which she did so against her parents wishes. Pottering around the little town Ida seemed to keep to herself, it was like she was in her own little world. To make matters worse people would notice this and sometimes would often comment. It was also quite clear to Michael, Alice and Hart that during her irrational mood swings they were only abundant when she longed to be in England the most.
Ida having also a caring side remained in contact with the three of them by mail. Sadako: Sadako, Mitsy's mum beloved wife of Zeke. Sadako appeared throughout the story as shy. Always thankful for where she was taken and the gratitude shown to her by others, until the war. After the struggle in their little hut become to great a strain coping with the pressure of others and the on going racism battle they were welcomed with open arms to the Penrose House. Here they became permanent residents for the duration of the war until they thought best to be interned into the camps where the Japanese and all other nationalities were kept if they were considered a threat.
Sadako's caring nature and gratefulness was overpowering. She offered to wash, clean and cook for the Michael. For their generosity in giving of the two spare bedrooms and food for which may have been what got them through the ordeal. Alice: Alice; Hartley's brother, Mitsy's Best Friend and daughter to Ida & Michael Penrose. Alice's personality was quite checky indeed. Her friendship with Mitsy saw her through her schooling years and together they took up nursing.
From quite an early age Alice had a enormous crush on one of the local boys "Carl Venning". This was soon to affect Alice in a way that she would have never dreamed possible. Not long after Carl and Alice begun seeing one another they moved in together and from there it soon Carl was dismissive and avas ive to her. It was soon after that when her entire opinions were being disregarded that she decided to move on and continue with her study of medicine (nursing).
As a hard egg as she was... Alice got a calling, she decided that she would be more use helping injured soldiers in the Army and so applied. Months passed whilst she waited for her dispatch orders before Army Command. Derby Boxer: Derby Boxer was the ole' Black Feller. Until sacked by Carl Venning he was the head Stockman on his ranch. Derby was sacked by Carl for having raped a local woman.
Admitting to the offence though in court and in interview; this was protested by Michael Penrose from the clear display of language used by Derby didnt match the common language her used. Derby also wasnt a stranger to the drink of tern getting very drunk during his visits to Broome where he stayed with the Penrose until Ida got a 'wiff' of him. It was after raping the local woman that Derby's life collapsed. Alice, Hart & their father Michael took Derby back into the outback where his tribe were. They accepted Derby with open arms and that was that. Carl Venning: Michael Penrose: Jamie Killian: Zeke Sennosuke:.