Cent Of The World's Greenhouse Gases example essay topic

633 words
SCIENCE RESEARCH PROJECT ALL COUNTRIES SHOULD REDUCE GREENHOUSE EMISSIONS. Without the greenhouse effect the Earth would not be warm enough for humans to live, but if it becomes even a little warmer there will be major problems. The greenhouse effect is the rise in temperature the Earth experiences because certain gases in the atmosphere (water vapour, carbon dioxide, nitrous and methane, for example) trap energy from the sun, forming greenhouse-like layer. Average global temperatures have increased by 1 degree F over the past century. Scientist expect the average global temperature to increase an additional 2-6 degree F over the next 100 years. This may not sound like much, but at the peak of the last ice age (18000 years ago) the temperature was only 7 degrees colder than it is today, and glaziers covered much of North America!

It is important to reduce greenhouse emissions because when the climate changes, there may be big changes in the things that people depend on. Human health: Global warming will increase the number of very hot days affecting peoples health both directly and indirectly. e.g. heat stress and other heat related health problems and indirectly, ecological disturbances, air pollution, changes in food and water supplies, and coastal flooding. Ecological System: Climate change may alter the world's habitats and ecosystems. A rapid change in climate could upset the delicate balance of rainfall, temperature and soil type, seriously endangering many living things. If future climate changes occur rapidly plants and animals will not have time to adapt. Sea Level Rise: Global warming may make the sea level rise due to glaciers melting and water molecules expanding.

Sea levels may rise between several inches and 3 feet during the next century. Natural and man made structure will be threatened along the coastline by flooding and beach erosion. Coastal flooding will also reduce the quality of drinking water. Crops and Food Supply: Drought will be more wide spread and more parts of the world will not have enough to eat. World agriculture will be greatly changed No country can address greenhouse emissions alone.

It is a world wide problem although developed nations emit significantly more greenhouse gases than developing countries. "We must have an effective global response. Australia emits about one per cent of the world's greenhouse gases". (David Kemp) The Kyoto Agreement was set up to get countries to work towards reducing Greenhouse emissions.

However some developed countries will not ratify the agreement, notitably Australia and the U.S.A. and Kyoto specifically does not include the developing countries. Kyoto covers about thirty per cent of the world's greenhouse gas emissions and, implemented, it will produce about a one per cent reduction. So we clearly don't have in place at the moment a global framework that is going to achieve what is absolutely essential, a very substantial reduction across this coming century of greenhouse gases. Many countries argue that reducing greenhouse emissions have the potential to impose very significant costs to their economies. The cost of producing certain goods will increase as industries attempt to reduce pollution and greenhouse gases. Potential investors many take their money to more cost effective countries.

The challenge that all countries face is to reduce the greenhouse emissions, while maintaining economic growth, protecting jobs and raising the standards of living. There is no quick fix to the issue of greenhouse emissions. All countries need to work together in a global framework to make economies strong and competitive while lowering gas emissions. The economy depends on the world's very vulnerable eco-systems. We all need to take steps now to protect the environment before it's too late.