Changed Form Of Industrial Union example essay topic
The American Federation of Labor (AFL) was organized a little earlier. It also consisted of workers on the basis of their peculiar occupation. However, the very concept of industrial union remained almost unchangeable with the Industrial Workers of the World organization. The Industrial Workers of the world was created in 1905 and allowed membership of any person, who belonged to the same occupation irrespective of his sex, race or creed. The membership in this organization ranged from electricians and mine workers to agricultural workers who migrated to the country from other parts of the world. The massive wave of industrial unions, however, took place in the 1930's with the Congress of Industrial Organizations.
These Industrial Organizations appeared as a result of John L. Lewis activity that began to create such industrial unions, initially called the Committee for Industrial Organization, further expelled (1936) and renamed (1938) the Congress of Industrial Organizations. This new CIO was, actually, the traditional industrial union. There were three basic types of industrial unions: - the unions consisting of workers working on the same commodity (electricians or brewery workers); - the unions consisting of workers using the same tools to work on different materials (aluminum or textile workers); - finally, the unions consisting of all workers belonging to the certain factory regardless of their peculiar skill (Columbia Press Encyclopedia, n. p.) Economical changes that appear during the last century in all the world countries, the absence of results in overcoming the crisis situations force workers to find new ways in conditions of modern life. The countries that are in favorable economic situation have already chosen the way of multi-step integration leading to economic stability and support of workers by industrial union membership. The western countries are especially interested because of their steady step-by-step development to such industrial unions. The industrial union, as the united world policy, is the first step to unite the workers to solve the most important economic problems.
World experience witnesses that industrial unions create favorable conditions for development of trade, manufacture, etc. They contribute to stabilization of both economic and industrial regulations for those who are united by mutual industrial interests. Industrial union as the form of workers community, has reached the high level of economic integration. The creation of industrial union became a great stride toward the progress of world integration. Although this process isnt smooth and has a lot of contradictions, the economic regulations will find compromises; mutual economic and industrial goals will certainly succeed.