Changes Of Public Management And Administration example essay topic

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Bureaucratic organization has been manifested in the human administration system for over 5000 years. The history has written that such organization has been invented in the times of the Egyptian dominant. The creation of a bureaucratic system raise from the monarchy, the ruling of one principle monarch has established a figure that can be seen as the start of the bureaucratic organization. The early establishment of bureaucratic administration were seen and put in to practice in the system of the hierarchy structure, ruling by the king down to each step of his sub ordinate. The civilian had no practice to say or voting right to the country policy and its development. In that time it was very much a class divided matters, the ruling class for example king politicians and royal bloods were among the people that practice and execute all the policies.

Civilians at that time live under the control of the law which were controlled by the upper ruling class. It has been gathered that the corruption level was high; the practice ruling class used benefits and powers to serve their own demands. The next point that we going to look at; are the reform in the nineteenth century. At this time the last module of the bureaucratic system has been attacked that it is technically inefficient, it is solitary to remember that it was it self an improvement compare to early reform.

It is recommended to: abolition of patronage and the substitutions of recruitment by open competitive examination under the supervision of a central examining board; reorganization of official staffs of central department in broad classes to deal with intellectual and mechanical work respectively; and filling higher post by promotion from inside based on merit. (Hughes, Owen) In this period of time the public administration organization recruitment policy has developed, the understanding of bringing in high skill workers reflected the development of the world education standard. It is obvious that in this particular method the public administration performance would increase the reflection of that comes directly from the devoted workers. It is true that to step up the hierarchy ladder in the traditional module of public administration organization will required times and services.

The work forces will rely purely on their experience and the length of time they have services the particular organization in order for them to increase in rank or being promoted. Later in the nineteenth century Woodrow Wilson from the United state and Max Weber combined together influence the changes of public management and administration. From Weber came the theory of bureaucracy the idea of distinct, professional public service, recruited and appointed by merit, political neutral, which would remain in office through out changes of government. From Wilson came the view that politicians should responsible for making policies, while administration would be responsible for carrying it out. From both is the derived the notion that administration could be instrumental and technical, remove from the political sphere. From this we could see the separation of work from the politician and the admin workforce, it is obvious according to Wilson the politician will make the policy and the public administration will carry out the duty.

In some sense we could understand that the politician are there to make vital decision they came from civilians vote and therefore they should be in the position to execute the vital decision. The administration will carry out the establish policy and put in the best effort to create the most effective performance among the community and the society. The administrative staffs are not in the position to make policy or to interpret policy but solely to carry out and work from the orders from the politicians. The most important theoretical principle of the tradition model of administration is Weber's theory of bureaucracy. There are some argument about the direct influence at his work will not be translated until many years after they were written.

However, Ostrom argues, Weber's theory of bureaucracy was fully congruent with the traditional theory of the public administration in both form and method (1974, p. 9). In the setting out a basis of his theory, Weber argued there were three type of authority: first, the charismatic- the appeal of an extraordinary leader; the traditional - such an authority of a tribal chief; and rational / legal authority. These three theories that Weber has established are different in many forms. The most used and the most efficient is the rational / legal theory. Weber set out six principles for modern system of bureaucracy, deriving from the idea of rational / legal authority (Gert h and Mills, 1970, p. 196/8). Each of the idea has their own reflection on the bureaucratic administrative organization.

The principle of the fixed and official jurisdictional areas, which are generally ordered by rules, that is by law or administrative regulation (p. 27 Hughes, Owen. ). As you can see from the last sentence, Weber distinguished systems which are controlled by law and order. The law helps to regulate the administration sides. With this, the whole organization will be focussing and practising the same principle.

The management of the office follows general rules, which are more or less stable, more or less exhaustive, and which can be learnt. Knowledge of these rules represent a special technical learning which the officials processors. It involves jurisprudence, or administrative or business management. With the rules, know ledges are learnt amongst the subordinates, it would create a system to follow to other recruitment's. The technical learning that the official process will generate knowledge to the working organization, this will create what we called the sphere of influence among the work force in order them to work at the same momentum. The conclusion for Weber's theory can be explained and interpret ate in many forms, it obvious that his theory can not work in all organization but the process can be effective in some situation.

And organization with a deep hierarchy structure will be more suitable for Weber's theory, this is purely to the fact that the workers can foresee the potential to upgraded or promoted up the hierarchy ladder. This will increase the motivation and performance of the worker. If we were to reverse the prospective of the above conclusion a flat or un steep hierarchy structure will not work with Weber's theory. With no middle management or potential to be promoted worker will feel that there is less chances for them to be promoted so the mirror effect on that are, workers will not be motivated to the full potential, they will do enough just to get by and the performance will be mediocre standard. The next section that we going to look at is the new form of public administration. We will extinguish to the question of what gave rise to the NPM.

Due to the slow down of the growth of government the public admin have to encounter changes. During this time privatization became popular for government to raise money to balance their own books. Many of the government enterprise are now being sold and invested in by private investor, this give power of control to private investor. As the policy of company changes from the old ideology to the new profit maximization Weber's theory become less dominant. As increase in technology give men the quicker speed and more advances in knowledge and information there was no need to emphasis and practice Weber's theory. Technology which is formatted by computer allows organization to manage and control the working organization and increase in productivity and performance.

During this time the workforce intellect has also changed so the effect of the NPM has also increase to the better. Due to the world war two there were many changes that effect the economic growth. The private sector and the public sector have become more or less connected close together therefore the performance and behaviour will be closely monitored and matched. The criticism of NPM can be seen that changes has not shift a lot, the policy are more or less on the same bases and we could say that the system are more or less the same as the old one..