Changes The Music Industry example essay topic

587 words
History of the rock music industry Introduction: I. How has an industry grown to become a 32 billion dollars a year machine? II. Ill tell ou how, by scouting new talents from each and every corner of the world to bring us the music that each of us desires.. This is the recording industry which even though their sales have been steadily declining due to internet piracy it is still an industry which has great importance in our lives. As college students alone spend about 450 million dollars on music, according to Harris Interactive a worldwide market research and consulting firm. Ever since the birth of recorded music, it has defined our eras and defined each and every one of us.

Music has been and always will be the soundtrack of our lives. IV. Today I will try and familiarize you with the great changes this business has gone through. V. To make this short I will start in the 50's the golden age of rock and roll, continue to the 60's with beatlemania, on to the 70's with disco and punk rock, then the 80's on through today. Body: I. First I will start by discussing the various genres that created rock music in the 50's and 60's. A. Rhythm and Blues 1.

Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley, Buddy Holly 2. Their influences II. Second I will tell you with more detail the numerous events of the 60's that shaped the way the music industry was ran and the way rock music sounded. A. The Beatles, and other pop acts and their influence. B. The shift of interest towards profits instead of creativity in the Industry. C. The emergence of counter pop movements. D. Record labels look to capitalize on these movements.. Third I will discuss the seventies. A. Folk rock and other sub-genres B. Disco C. Punk rock and its deviance from major record companies IV.

Fourth and last I will talk about the eighties on through today, and how this industry morphed into what it is today. A. The beginnings of rap. B. "Hair Bands"C. Grunge (Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden... ) D. Hip - Hop and music today. Conclusion: I. I now come to an end of explaining the changes the music industry has gone through from the fifties on through today. The fifties with its rhythm and blues that gave way to rock and roll, the sixties with the rise of big record labels and their attention shifting more towards pop music that would drive their profits sky high. The seventies with the advent of what we now know as rock.

The eighties and its ridiculous hair bands, and the nineties through today with a bit more experimental rock and hip hop. II. Today it is no secret that record companies are after the big bucks and are always looking for the "next big thing" to rake in the millions for them. But we are still free to make our own choices in what we buy. What I ask you to do is buy records in general. Because of internet piracy a great amount of artists are not being allowed to release their music because of this lack of funds ava liable.

So if we all pitch in our part the record industry will be able to finance these new projects and we will be able to enjoy their music..