Character Macbeth example essay topic

579 words
The character Macbeth was a Scottish Nobleman from the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare. He was a self-driven tyrant who came to rule Scotland after the murder of King Duncan. Three traits that best describe his character are cowardly, ambitious, and superstitious. These three traits contributed to Macbeth's character and provoked him to become a self-destructive man. The first trait that illustrates Macbeth's character is cowardly.

Macbeth is a moral coward in three situations during the play. First, Macbeth is brave when it comes to action, but then hesitates and has to be convinced by his wife to stay on track. "We will proceed no further in this business: he hath honour'd me of the late". Next, Macbeth changes his mind six times before he finally decides to go through with the murder of King Duncan. "He's here in double trust: first, as I am his kinsman and his subject, strong both against the deed".

Finally, Macbeth fears Banquo because in him he recognizes moral courage which he lacks. "Our fears in Banquo stick deep, and in his royalty of nature reigns that which would be fear'd". The next trait that best describes Macbeth's character is ambitious. Macbeth is an ambitious character in three different ways throughout the play. First, Macbeth's success in battle serves to intensify his ambition and it seems that the thought of murder has already occurred to him. "My thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical".

Next, Macbeth wants to be king someday and when he hears the witch's prophecies, he is intrigued by them, but after he hears that Malcolm will be heir to the throne he remembers the prophecies and decides to take matters into his own hands. "The Prince of Cumberland! That is a step on which I must fall down, or else o'er-leap, for in my way it lies". Lastly, Macbeth himself confesses to having "vaulting ambition". He states that ambition is his only true motive. "I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only vaulting ambition, which o'er-leaps itself and falls on the other".

The last and most prominent trait that portrays Macbeth's character is superstitious. Macbeth is a very superstitious and imaginative man who believes many un-natural events throughout the play. First, Macbeth allows his wild imagination to roam uncontrolled, for his powerful imagination always creates present fears which are less than horrible imaginings. "My thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical, shakes so my single state of man that function is smother'd in surmise, and nothing is but what is not".

Next, Macbeth's superstition is shown when he is under the influence of the witches, for it is his superstitious mind that allows him to accept the promises of the apparitions. "Bring me no more reports; let them fly all: till Bir nam Wood remove to Dunsinane I cannot taint with fear". Lastly, his superstitious mind is also seen in the hallucination of the air-drawn dagger which he sees floating before him toward Duncan's chamber. "Is this a dagger which I see before me; the handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee". In closing, Macbeth proved to be a self-destructive man and influenced by the wrong people.

These three traits tie into the character that Macbeth allowed himself to become.