Character Mrs Moore example essay topic

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The novel, A passage to India, delivers a handful of characters from all ranges of an elites t spectrum. From Englishmen who feel they are powerful and commanding to servant Indians who are being reprimanded and spat on within their own society from travelers of another land. The most important characters in the novel are the personalities that strayed from the norm and assisted to tell the story being told. They changed the way other characters viewed one another and throughout all of this, they changed themselves. In this novel, Mrs. Moore, an elderly English woman, who is new to the Indian town of Chandrapore, is one of these important characters. From the beginning of the novel, one of Mrs. Moore's first interactions with a native of the town, Dr. Aziz, introduces her as a sensitive and intelligent woman who has an open mind to her new surroundings.

She continues this openess throughout the story with different events that come her way. And in the end, she fights to hold onto this openess when the openess is the thing that is causing her to regress in her interest in educating herself on the culture of India. The reader is first introduced to the character Mrs. Moore when she enters the Mosque. Dr. Aziz, an Indian of Chandrapore who is initially extremely distrustful of outsiders of India, is already inside and stuns Mrs. Moore when he speaks abruptly and curt to her. He scolds her by saying she is not allowed in the mosque and that she should have removed her shoes. As a symbol of what is good in Western culture, Mrs. Moore explains nicely that she did infact take her shoes off.

Aziz senses the sincerity in her voice and apologizes at once. They begin to speak to one another and realize that they have much in common. Both have been married twice and both have two children among other similarities. They speak for sometime and Dr. Aziz senses Mrs. Moore's effort to get to know him and his culture. She is a woman who takes liberal views and has a christian view about her. Aziz takes a liking to all of this and is intrigued by her as he escorts her back to the Chandrapore Club.

From the beginning of this novel, Mrs. Moore demonstrates her sincerity to learning about the culture of India and she continues to express this fashion in her next encounter in the story. Mrs. Moore is invited to a Bridge Party put on by the Collector, Mr. Turton. The party is an attempt to? bridge? the men and women of Britain and India with one another, however the majority of men and women from both lands are not able to hold a capable conversations with one another. The short conversations are uncomfortable between the two lands and most see this party as a dissapointment, however Mrs. Moore and her soon to be daughter-in-law, Adela Quested consider the party to be a success. Mrs. Moore heads into the party with an open mind as she often does and is excited and intrigued by her surroundings of natives from this new land. Mrs. Moore spends much time speaking with a native by the name of Mrs. Bhattacharya, who later invites her to her home later in the week for more conversation.

This shows that Mrs. Moore is eager to learn the culture of India by spending time with and getting to know Indians in Chandrapore. Mrs. Moore also demonstrates at the party that she is not naive despite her openess to the country. She is aware of the attitude her son Ronny has while in this new land. She is bothered that he acts more intelligent and empowered than the people in India.

Mrs. Moore is religious and feels that God put people on this earth to love one another, even in india, she says. Mrs. Moore's religious beliefs are prominent in this story. Her ties with the Christian community in England are brought with her to India, a land that does not practice Christianity. Not only does she wish for her son to practice his education of Christianity but she also finds herself speaking of God more often at this time in her life, when she is aging. I believe this demonstrates that Mrs. Moore has a considerable concern for her own morality and that she is preoccupied with the act of dying. Since the beginning of her trip to India, Mrs. Moore has been truly sheltered though she continuously attempts to explore the land and people surrounding her.

Mrs. Moore feels that people are important but the relationships between people are not extremely important. At this point in her life, she also feels that there is too much emphasis put on marriage. Her openess to the Country brings Mrs. Moore and a few other English people to be invited to the Marabar Caves by Dr. Aziz. Mrs. Moore and Miss Quested board the train, but due to Aziz's irresponsibility, Mr. Fielding and God bole, who were also invited do not make the train. The three then travel to the Marabar Caves, the setting of the climax of this story. As the three enter the caves, Aziz realizes that it is not as fancy as he had remembered.

Mrs. Moore exclaims that it is a? horrid and stuff place, ? and at this point, none of the characters are particularly interested at seeing through with this trip, however, they proceed. Mrs. Moore's take on the visit is terrible for her. She is suddenly lost in the dark, losing Aziz and Adela and she cannot breathe because so many other villagers are in the cave as well. She becomes faint and is alarmed when something wacks her in the face and she hears what she calls, a terrifying echo.

Despite being horrified, she pulls a smile on her face for when Aziz emerges again with Adela. She does not want Aziz to think that his trip was a failure. She insists on resting behind, while Aziz takes Adela onto other caves and Kawa Dol, which is supposed to be the finest of all of them. As she sat by herself, she heard the echo repeating in her mind and she began to think of her life and the meaning of things. The echo serves as a turning point for Mrs. Moore. It reminds her of the emptiness and horror that seems to surround her.

As a woman who is truly dedicated to her Christian religion, all that that means to her now is? Boom, ? the sound the echo makes. She cannot think of anything, not even religion without hearing the awful echo in her mind. Mrs. Moore does not want to communicate with her family or even God. She demonstrates these feelings however, by becoming solitary and unconcerned with those around her.

The character, that in the beginning of the book showed sincerity and graciousness is becoming more and more foreign to her. It is at this point that Mrs. Moore collapses into a's everly depressive state of being. Also at the climax of this story, Aziz, Adela and a servant, journey on to see more caves but the servant loses track of Adela at one point and she is missing, leaving behind nothing but her field glasses. It is known to the reader that Aziz has no part in the disappearance of Adela, however he has her field glasses now and is arrested when he is taken back to town. As a trial begins to take place against Aziz for allegedly hurting Adela, Mrs. Moore continues to act re missive and Adela thinks that she is ill. Mrs. Moore is not warm to Adela when she sees her after Adela was missing in the caves.

Moore has lost her tenderness that she once had due to the christianity she once practiced. She wants nothing to do with the trial or her family, though she said she would attend the wedding of her son and Adela. Mrs. Moore feels and knows Aziz is innocent and as naive and trustworthy as Adela is, she jumps on the bandwagon and exclaims Aziz's new innocence by her opinion. The now, cold Mrs. Moore will soon return to England by the ways of her son who believes she should leave before the trial, because she will be a key witness. It is sad to see the character of Mrs. Moore be stripped of her beliefs and her kindness as a British woman in and Indian culture. She represented what was good in Western Civilization and because of an incident that was supposed to enlighten her more about the Indian community, she was stripped of her senses and regressed into almost nothing.

She turned cold and mean and showed no interest in others. She became what the other English women already were. Mrs. Moore's time away from Adela has served as a time when Moore became more cynical and bitter. She is technically one of the most moral people in this story, but after the climax of this story, Moore doubts her own virtue and even considers herself to be somewhat evil.

The conversation between the two women is significant at this point because Mrs. Moore somehow breaks from her depression to take an active role in the story. She becomes one of the most moral characters again despite her regression to depression and Adela's absence into the caves. Mrs. Moore's son Ronny, knows that his mom will serve as a strong witness in the case against the innocent Aziz. He therefore maneuvers a way to send his mother back to England despite the fact that he knows his mother is right and that Aziz is innocent. Ronny does this because he character never once changes or develops, he resides a manipulative egotistical English man who is heavily concerned with Anglo-India politics. Mrs. Moore then leaves Chandrapore.

Her strong character is exited from the story line and she leaves with less than she came with. She leaves with little faith in the stability of the universe and will forever remember the Marabar Caves as they really are, haunting. Others in the community did not see what the Marabar Caves are capable of doing to people, and inflated events in the caves to absurd proportions. I find it amazing that a character that can be as important and central in a story, can so easily be struck and become submissive, until they finally disappear like Mrs. Moore did, when she left the Indian town of Chandrapore.

I feel that though she left much different as when she came, she is no less noble however, and her presence in the story was detrimental to each character, in the end, effecting the outcome of the story. As she journey's back to her home land, she dies at sea from the heat. Her death symbolizes the severing of Aziz's connection with Anglo-India because she is the only true English character to have a true friendship with Aziz. Her death ends the chance for Aziz to find a complete reconciliation with the British in India. Even though the character of Mrs. Moore passes away, the author, E.M. Forster, develops a mythology of her after her death. In conclusion, Mrs. Moore came and left and left her mark on the land of India and in the end I do think that she found the real India in her friendship with Dr. Aziz, though she never truly comes to realize it.

Aziz realizes it after her death.