Child With Adhd example essay topic

742 words
The Impact on the Family After reading the articles Driven to Distraction and Lost in Translation, both from Today's Parent magazine, I have learned many new things. I learned that it is sometimes not very easy to pick out a child with ADHD, even if it is your own child. It could take years to discover that a child has ADHD. It can be easily detected once the child has entered elementary school. One of the signs of ADHD is falling behind in school, or acting up and not being able to pay attention for long periods of time. This causes frustration for the child, the parents, teachers and the other students in the classroom.

It is difficult for parents because they do not want to believe that their child has a disability. It is even harder for the child because they are the ones that have to deal with the name calling, being held back a grade or two and just knowing that they are different. The issue of being different for a child living with ADHD is very stressful and could make the child not want to learn new things or pay attention in school. They just give up on trying to learn. From these articles I have also learned that it is easier to pick out boys with ADHD than it is with girls.

This is because the boys are generally more active, restless and known for impulsiveness. Girls with ADHD are normally up and down in regards to their grades. One day she will get zeros and the next will be perfects on the same assignments. The attention level that boys show tends to be the same in girls with ADHD. Choosing How to Live with ADHD In the article, Growing up Hyperactive, a girl named Amber has ADHD. She struggled in school and was always known as the problem child.

She did not have many friends, and she was never really welcomed in extracurricular activities. She once cried to her school principle because she wanted to be sterilized (isolated) from the other children so she could concentrate on her school work. Today, Amber gives talks to high school and university students about what it was like growing up hyperactive. Her stories are emotional and she still hasn't dealt with a lot of the rejection and anger. She has not outgrown her hyperactivity but she has learned how to control it. In the article, The Gift of ADHD? a boy named Sam grew up thinking he was a failure and that he was stupid.

But now at age 24 he is a partner in a real-estate firm. He states that the key to his success is his ADHD. There is a controversial point that some of the symptoms of ADHD actually have flip sides that strengthen creativity, energy and intuition. Many criminals have ADHD as well as successful artists and CEO's.

The difficult thing is learning how to control the disorder and whether you let it become a gift or a curse. Understanding ADHD The article, Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder, describes almost anything you would want to know or need to know about ADHD. After reading this article I have learned that ADHD is a neuro biological disorder that affects 3 to 7 percent of school-aged children. It is now a fact that a child will never completely outgrow this disorder and most of the symptoms will continue throughout adulthood. If the disorder is not recognized in a timely manner, the child risks failing grades in school, stress, depression and more. A child with ADHD suffers from inattention, hyperactivity and impulsiveness.

With the research that has been conducted, it is found that ADHD is inherited. In the article, New clues to Understanding ADHD in Children, the main point is that many children are being diagnosed as having dyslexia when in fact they have ADHD. Research shows that a child with ADHD might stop noticing things to their left, especially when they are not interested in the task being done. The right side of the brain keeps us awake and alert and the left side is where everything gets lost. So it is sometimes very difficult to determine dyslexia from ADHD.


ADHD, 2001, web.